Recently America and North Korea ended a meeting and both sides have completely different views on the meeting. The article said, “US officials said they "had good discussion" while North Korea's top negotiator said, "the break-up of the negotiation without any outcome is totally due to the fact that the US would not give up their old viewpoint and attitude". The meeting was for more communication from both sides and for solving problems from the past. America is hoping on agreeing on another negotiation date soon because according to the article the meeting did not fulfill negotiator’s expectations. Both sides hope to get something put together soon. To see the full story click here.
What do you think the big issues were that they talked about?
I feel they talked mainly about opening up trading with Korea again and trying to get Korea's financial postion better.
How do you think Korea is going to get their economy up to compete with other countries.
I feel if they are going to try and boost their economy, then they will pay people better and they will make more jobs as well.