tuesday, september 9, 2009

So today in class we first went over the fact that our states and capitals quiz is going to be thursday. It will be a written test. I should start studying. After that, we talked about this speech that president Obama is going to give. It is a speech about motivation to stay in school. Some say that they are trying to brainwash the kids. We will hear the speech tomorrow and then i will be able to give my opinion.Then, we went over our free choice blogs. Mine was about flying cars...hahaha.. I learned that there was some people from the UK that attempted to take down some of our planes but they were caught. I also learned that that guy Jaycee that kidnapped some people may be accused of kidnapping a different girl as well. He is quite the creep. I need to go prepare for our United States states and capitals quiz.~~Stay sweet~~
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