Why was FDR upset with the US Supreme Court and what did he do to try to solve this issue?
Franklin lived in Hyde Park. He wasn't very socailable. He was always very hyper. He joined a top school where he go to know his cousin. Being in college at Harvard his dad died of a heart diease. He was the editor of the Hravard newspaper. Harvard got to know women at Harvard. A girl he met proposed to him and he turned her down. Then he met Eleanor and married her. They had six kids. He died and was buried in Hyde Park. Theodore was Eleanor's Roosevelt uncle and Eleanor was Franklin's fifth cousin.
How did the New Deal help:
--Unemployed, The PWA built things to help the unemployeed. They used billions of dollars. It helped people have more jobs. It did construction projects. The CWA was created on Nov 8, 1933. This created about Four million jobs but they were only temperary because it ened after five months. Many people thought that it was unofficail because it way over budget. It cost $200 million a month to pay for supplies and workers wages. RFC. USHA-- Housing program was to help the poor get jobs. They built apartment type houses for these people and it would put people back on track. This lead into the PWA. NYA (National Youth Administration) It gave people jobs. Its not around today. It gave young people money to build like school and such. People would do these jobs during or after school. This was mainly for young people. This was for girls and boys. This allowed them to stay in school. They did like school project wages were about 6-40 dollars a month dependung on how much work they did. It helped for future job training. They were criticized because these people were getting paid with tax dollars and people thought that it was a waste of tax dollars. Overall it was successful though. WPA, it supplied the unemployeed with jobs to do things like making streets and they would go to small towns and build things such as parks of anything. During the 8 years it built 651,087 miles of highways and such. Harry L. Hopkins was the head of this. Established in 1935 terminated in 1943. This was because of the War the was coming up. Many workers when on strike because they were getting paid as much.
--Farmers, The RFC. The Soil Conservation, to control soil erosion and over production of crops. It gave financial and technical support to farmers. Farmers didn't really think it thought because tthey thought that the government would eventually take over the farms. The Act Surplus basically paid farmers to produce less crops that were currently in abundance. The Tennesses Valley Authority. The Agricultural Adjustment Act, farmers were paid to cut down their crops.
TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority)
--Factory Workers/Labor, NLR Act, Established minimum wage .This made sure that employees were getting treated fairly, Set standards for workers, They were very hands on with businesses. In other words they were pretty strict. Workers liked it at the beginning but that changed as time went on. The act didn't covered all the workers.
--Young People NYA (National Youth Administration) It gave people jobs. Its not around today. It gave young people money to build like school and such. People would do these jobs during or after school. This was mainly for young people. This was for girls and boys. This allowed them to stay in school. They did like school project wages were about 6-40 dollars a month dependung on how much work they did. It helped for future job training. They were criticized because these people were getting paid with tax dollars and people thought that it was a waste of tax dollars. Overall it was successful though. The CCC, Helped poor single men learn basic schools. People that were affected by this act were affected by the World War. It helped 3 million people. It took place in all the states too. 18-26 were affected by this only. It was very approved by all people. The SCA was founded in 1955 which was very simliar to this. The CCC is not around today.
--Banks/Business/Stock Market, RFC gaves businesses to banks and railroads loans and it gave over 2 billion dollars. It helped set up relief programs. This was Hoover's thing but it was continued by FDR. (Franklin D. Roosevelt) The banks would use this to give more loans out and for other businesses would build things so jobs would be able to be created. FSA it was the first federal legislation to regulate the sale of securities (stock) It was signed into act by FDR. Maintain objective was to have people know exactly what they were getting. It probihited fraud. Still exists but has been improved greatly. It was very successful. ~Emergancy Banking Relief Act, this was also known as a banking holiday. Started by the U.S. Congress. It tooka while to decide. PAssed on March 3, 1933. It was to reorganized banks. Took small steps to prgress it. Right after stock market crash banks were closing until 1933. They closed the banks down temporarily and reorganize them so that they were safe enough to put money back in. If the banks were to close on their own they wouldn't ever come back and people would lose their money. This act was made to help people to not loose thier money. The Banking Act of the 1935 established the FDIC was also known as he Glass-Steagall Act. Was made in order to decrease inflation. It allowed the Federal Reserve to regulate interest rates in savings accounts.
The Banking Act of 1935. (Austin H)
--Home Owners, USHA--Housing program was to help the poor get jobs. They built apartment type houses for these people and it would put people back on track. This lead into the PDA. Public Works Administration. The government had construction projects and they saved half of them for blacks and this eventually turned these places into ghettos. The FHA mortgages in short term were really bad at that time. Banks needed to get their money back so many homes were foreclosed Banks still lost money from doing this so they eventually shut down. The FHA planned to controll the interest rates since they were really high. they wanted to stimulate the housing market by helping people to afford the down payment on houses and mortgages. This convinced banks to end more and that lead to lend more money. After four years of this people were able to by a house with ten percent down and then they could get a twelve year mortgage. It built home for veterans back from world war two. Some even built apartments for the elderly. It helped not having the houses being foreclosed on.
--Elderly, The Socail Security Act is a tax that is taken out of your income. It covers survivors, old age, and people with disablities. It is still around today. It was pretty successful.
--Native Americans, IRA, Helped many Indians that were living in the slums. We gave up land and set it aside for the indians. It basically got rid of the Daw's Act. We assigned land to indivual tribes. it went form 130 million square acres in 1887 to only 48 million. There were three tribes that didn't this because they didn't trust us. Up til this point it was all about taking away from Native Americans. With this act we were giving back to them. It is still around today. It was successful, but it was too little too late. Many times we would end up assigning tribes with big rivals and that would make them made. They couldn't get control of their government.