Tuesday, 8/25/09

Today, in class, we got into our groups for our upcoming whatever we're doing. He also put us in assigned seats, where pretty much everybody is sitting in their seat of choice, which I'm not against, of course. I sure as heck wasn't gonna argue with his logic. We also proceded to discuss about each individual's two summer news blogs. About half the class did Michael Jackson. Probably to suck up to Mr. Bruns, a fan of the King of Pop's music.A few people did the [shadowed] death of Billy Mays. I personally appreciated his work :). They stated it was the use of cocaine that led to his death. Cocaine, eh? Why does that not surprise me? There was even a student (To be nameless....Tony) who did his two summer news blogs about his summer. Leave it to Tony.
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  • Good but please don't put people down.
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