Torture Under Bush Adminitration

Guantanamo Bay is a prison camp operated by the US government since 1903. In 2002 President Bush made it the main camp for suspects of terrorism. Also in 2002 prisoners from Afganistan were moved to Guantanamo Bay for interigations and such. Many people tried to talk to the government about it being torture. Some even tried to get permission to see it, but the answer way always "We're too busy" or something along that line. When Obama became president one of the first things he did was signing an excecutive order to end the Central Intelligence Agency's secret interrogation program, therefore closing Guantanamo Bay. If the plan works out right Guantanamo Bay will be closed by January. Of the 240 detainees only 30 have been released, which means that 100 or more prisoners may need to come to America. That also includes many of the prisoners who are much to hazardous to release.

Waterboarding is basically making the person feel like they are drowning. They are strapped to a board with their head down and feet up in ther air. Then a cloth or cellophane is wrapped around their head. After that they keep pouring water on the prisoners face. Sometimes the water may not even get to the prisoners mouth or nose, but they feel like they are drowning so their gage reflex kicks in. This may not sound so bad but they say it's worse then actually drowning under water.

The results of waterboarding are dry-drowning and damage to the lungs and brain damage from oxygen deprivation. Also it can cause broken bones from fighting against restraints. One other is lasting psychological damage and in very few cases death if uninterrupted. This is why many interrogators keep a doctor close by in case it goes to far.I think it is absolutly horrible. I can't imagine being the person who had to do it. Then I think about our country, and I've come to the conclusion that if it is absolutly necessary then I suppose it's ok if it's for the best of the country. Otherwise I think it is horrible and mean.
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  • Good reflections!
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