Torture of POW

Well, for starters, I found a nice little article that touched bases on all the little topics! ;)While Bush was president and American people were regretting voting for him, Bush used his power to torture POW in Guantanamo Bay. He used upgraded torture techniques like water-boarding. And then they started lying and covering there butts with "We treat the prisoners humanly"

Well, if that's humane I must be an alien, huh. Fell to earth in a capsule when my home planet exploded.Obama is doing his out-most best to clean up the big black smear on America's reputation out of fear that our captured troops will suffer copy-cat treatment. And frankly, they have the right to be torked off. They start with copy-cat treatment, then we don't have the right to complain. If they did that to our people America wouldn't just sit there having a tea party and then just forgive them with a "Well, that's okay. We forgive you." We would strike back. They probably will too. Its possible that there will be a suicide bombing or Bush will just "poof" disappear. Who knows.Obama's fix-up plan involves closing Guantanamo Bay within a year, ensure the CIA would abide by the Army Field Manual guidelines on interrogating prisoners, and close all secret CIA detention facilities. It was welcomed world-wide. (Obama, there's hope for you yet.)

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  • Very well done! You seem to have a negative attitude towards all politicians. Is that right?
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