Torture in Cuba?

There have been quite a few scandals about George W. Bush during his presidency. Now, even after he is out of office, the latest story is that people at the detention center were tortured while they were there. This detention center is located at the U.S. naval base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Right now, you may be asking why we have a naval base in Cuba, when we don't exactly have the best relations with him. After the Spanish-American war, it was built. We took control of it in 1903 by leasing it from the Cubans. We are allowed to do this because of the Cuban-American Treaty which says we can lease or buy land for a naval station. One of the most important reasons we have it is for its strategic location.Guantanamo Bay is used mainly for detaining prisoners of war from Iraq mostly. I think that President Obama should have left them in there, but just changed the policy, for instance not letting them be beat or anything. There should be no torturing, but the good thing about this place is that there have not been any terrorist attacks since former President Bush started putting them there. I also think there shouldn't be any charges for anyone associated with this.If we hadn't gone with this method and there had been another terrorist attack, we would have accused Bush of being "too nice." The main one being Mohammed al- Qahtani. He was one that was not allowed into the United States before the 9-11 attack because he was thought to be a highjacker. Mohammed was later picked up in Afghanistan and taken to Guantanamo. He says that he was tortured with methods that include isolation, sleep deprivation, nudity, and exposure to the cold. So, I think we should keep the detainees there, but just exclude the torture.
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  • Good! Please break up your paragraphs a bit more.
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