
There has been a lot of discussion about the torture taken place in other countries. The biggest debate has been if we should just let it all go and move on with the future and prevent it from happening or go back and try and prove that it was considered torture. There were many types of torture being done, some of them including: sexual abuse like rape, water boarding, homicide, and many other horrible things. Water boarding is when people strap the prisoner down so they are unable to escape and pour water on their face. This gives the prisoner a suffocating feeling making them think they are drowning since the air passage ways are blocked and filled with water. The US army would also bring in vicious dogs to scare and bite the prisoners. This is cruel.Manadel al-Jamadi is a good example of torture being done. He was tortured from a CIA officer and a private contractor. The two of them tied his hands behind his back and hung him from his wrists. How can you do that to someone? It just doesn’t make any sense to me. They sometimes added weights to make it hurt worse, so they would suffer more. There was a lot of rape involved also. Many people were tortured to death.Why torture them, you may ask. Well it was used so they could get information from the prisoners. They also said it was supposedly their punishment from the crime they committed. I still don’t know how you could be that brutal to someone. I think spending some time behind the bars is bad enough, but being beaten to death by our own US citizens is just terrible. I definitely think this should be stopped immediately. I agree with president Obama when he said, “We should be looking forward, not backward.” But I also think that guilt will be with the ones who chose to do the torturing with them their whole life.
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