Tell me about yourself 8/23

I am the middle sister of three. Sometimes we don’t get along, but when we need each other we are always there for one and other. You probably know my older sister Annie, who is now a junior. My little sister, Abbey, is a sixth grader in middle school. My Mom, Julie, is a nurse at Creighton University. My dad, Steve, is a nurse too, but works in the insurance industry. Last but not least, I can’t forget our dog Sammy, who is a rat terrier.I love to play any competitive sport, and listen to music. I have been in taekwondo since I was eight years old. I just recently got my black belt, and am still working on getting to the top! I love to play volleyball and am starting to play more tennis. I love to swim, and have been on the swim team since I was seven years old. Last year my mom got nurse of the year at Creighton Hospital, and got two tickets to go to the USA Olympic Trials. Since I am the one most interested in sports out of my three sisters, my mom took me. I got to see Michael Phelps, Natalie Coughlin, and Dara Torres qualify for the Olympics. It was a memory I will never forget.I am not sure of what I want to be when I am older, but I have considered doing something in Forensic science or Entomology. My family always says I am a bit of a dare devil, but I think you have to live life on the edge. I have always dreamed of going sky diving, parasailing or even bungee jumping. This summer I got to go parasailing in Branson, Missouri with both of my sisters. I had to beg them to go on it, because there both scared of heights. It was the most breathtaking experience, and at the same time it was so peaceful.

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  • If you are anything like Annie, the class is in a lot of trouble!!


    Well done!!
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