Barack Obama. 44th President of the United States. He's pretty beastly. This is true. I like short sentences. This is also true.Barack Hussein Obama II. This is his name. Mozilla Firefox does not recognize these words as spelled correctly. I find that funny. I have a poor sense of humor.Barack was called "Barry" when he was younger. This was because he was ferocious... like a bear. Not really.Barack Obama's initials are B.O. This is also an abbreviation for body odor. This is not a coincidence.This is the second time Obama has been the first African American president. His second first, if you will. His first first was of the Harvard Law Review. Alriiight.He was born in Hawaii. His mom's name is Ann Dunham. Perhaps the president is related to Jeff Dunham. You know, that guy with the puppets... Probably not.After his parents divorced Barack saw his father only once more. Then his daddy died. For while he was living in Africa he was killed in a stampede of water buffaloes in heat. Not really. It was a car accident. Much less exciting. But equally as painful.Obama's mother married a man named Lolo from Indonesia. LOLO!As a teenager Barack Obama abused alcohol, marijuana, and cocaine. I find this uncomfortable.Barack has seven half-siblings from his father's side and a half sister on his mother's. This means his family has contributed heavily to the over-population of the world. Because of him, the world is "Hot, Flat, and Crowded". Okay... so maybe it wasn't all him. Maybe...Barack's maternal family is related to Jefferson Davis. I find this ironic.If i could have voted, it would have been for our first black president. I'm expecting a lot from this man. I'm hoping he doesn't let me down. Because no one likes it when Danielley looks like a fool.The End... ?
pishaw, bruns. maybe Biden. but that's a little thing I call shading :P i didn't do these ones, but they were going for a Men In Black feel. so yeah he had to look a little more like Agent K somehow :P
I think the pics make Obama and Biden look really old, especially Biden.