Posted by 3AustinE on September 10, 2009 at 2:39pm
We continued with our presentations. First we learned about Oswald. Oswald was a marxist so he wanted to move to the Soviet Union. He finally did with his money saved from his military career. He married Marina and moved back to Dallas but wouldn't let her learn English because he believed Russain was a lot better because it was communist. I learned that Oswald killed General Walker because he was anti-communist. He used a mannlicher-carcano rifle. He took the rifle with him to work in a paper bag calling it curtain rods. They found fingerprints and fibers from his shirt and the blanket that he stored it in.Then we talked about Jack Ruby. Jack Ruby was born in Chicago but he lied about his birthday all the time. He was very disobedient and had a bad temper. He claimed that he could beat people up. He was an aircraft mechanic for the air force in World War 2. Changed his last name to Ruby to hide his Jewish backround. He was arrested 8 times and carried hidden weapons on him. He went to prison because of his many fines. He killed Oswald so that "Jacqueline Kennedy would be able to sleep at night and not have to see him face trial". He was then locked in a cell alone until he died and never came out to face trial.