Skull & Bones ♥ Danielle's Weekly Blog Post #16

This week's bloggie was supposed to be about either Jimmy Carter, George H.W. Bush, or Gerald Ford. Danielley, being Danielley, is doing none of these out of pure rebellion. Because she's hardcore like that. Instead, I'll be doing my blog about the Skull and Bones secret society that isn't really very secret at all. I came across it during my research of George H.W. Bush, and well, I thought it was interesting.Okie doke, so you see that picture up there? Well just to the left of the big clock thinger is George Bush, Sr. Yup! Now, to explain what exactly Skull and Bones is in a very roundabout way...George H.W. Bush used to serve in the military and after finishing that all up he went to Yale. Unbeknownst to Danielley, but apparently knownst to everybody else ever, there's a secret society for the super elite there. Skull and Bones is basically a club on the campus that you have to be invited to. It's kind of a complicated process and seemed kind of silly to me, but apparently a lot of powerful people are alumni "Bonesmen". John Kerry, both presidential George Bush's, a member of Obama's cabinet, and Montgomery Burns of the Simpsons are all rumored to be graduated members. Well, Mr. Bush was apparently super awesome and invited to be a member.So what does this society do you may be wondering... well, I'm not really super positive. It is a SECRET society after all. Sources say they meet every Thursday and Saturday to build strong friendships with other members. But like I said, their members are very elite. Typically the society picks people they feel are super leaders. Team captains, presidents of Greek fraternities and sororities, and editors of the newspaper seem to be prime candidates.So with all these 'superior' members you'd assume they were pretty good kids. Lies! Apparently Skull and Bones has a reputation for stealing stuff. Including the skulls and bones (heh... shocking!) of former president Martin Van Buren, Geronimo, and Pancho Villa. Though none of these claims are really supported... well, legends never die.There's a lot of mystery with this society, and I guess a lot of people like myself find it interesting. New members typically are juniors in their last semester and aren't around for much longer to tell people about what they do in the society. Rumors and myths start flying around and suddenly everyone wants to know everything about Skull and Bones. There are several books out and even a movie loosely based on it known as The Skulls.Personally, I thought this was pretty interesting. Hence me doing a blog about it. It's really different, and though I think I had heard of it before researching it I didn't know much about it. But I wanted to... and now i do! And so do you! Danielley - out.
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  • yeah i guess. they have some retreat in northern new york. apparently it's a dump though lol.
  • Interesting. So do members still meet once done with college?
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