Monday-Homelessness is "someone who lacks a fixed, adequate nighttime residence". Chronic homelessness is when you are homeless with a serious mental illness or addicted to drugs, without a home for one year. California, New York, Florida, Texas, and Washington are the states with the most homeless people.
Tuesday- Today we took a class map test on part of Europe. We talked about and went over how college athletes should be getting paid and the process of it happening. We talked about how paying college students for their sports could make it more of a selfish sport for people going into college, they pay rate could influence your situation.
Wednesday-We talked about letting a good person in your school being allowed to have a gun for self defense.
1. What was President Bush doing when he heard of the attacks? He was at a school reading to little kids.
2. According to President Bush, what is the first thing a leader needs to do for the country in times of crisis? Stay calm
3. Why did the Secret Service refuse to allow President Bush to go back to Washington D.C. right away? Incase a plane crashed there
4. What did the US government/military do to to ensure another attack did not occur? grounded all planes, shoot down remaining planes
5. Why was President Bush sent to Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha? Because it was a good communication spot
6. Why did President Bush eventually insist on going back to Washington D.C. later that day against the will of the Secret Service? He didn't want to give his speech from a bunker in the middle of the US.
7. What was the point of President Bush's message to the nation on the evening of 9-11? For revenge to be served and thoughts and prayers for the families of the injured.
8. Why did President Bush decide not to blame the CIA/FBI for not doing their job? To protect the US.
9. How did President Bush feel when he heard that Osama bin Laden had been killed? A sense of closure and that justice has been served
Friday-We talked about plagiarism and finished our questions from Thursday. We also talked about legal and illegal immigrants and waht makes them illegal and how they can get into the US.