Monday-work on project
Tuesday-Athens powerpoint
- Men-military, politics, did the work
- Boys-trained, got an education
- Girls-stayed home and/or go abandoned
- Women-stayed home to work,always look nice, bear children,difficult to divorce
- Entertainment
- Make pottery
- Participate in outdoor theaters
- Listen to music
- Follow politice
- Participate in athletics
- Play small games
- Economy
- Trade-
- primarily based off our trade
- Between athens and Italy
- Trade with italy to obtain wood
- Coinage
- Use coin for trading
- Taxation
- Direct taxes aren’t commonly placed upon
- Indirect taxes are very important
- Architecture
- Known for involving very tall columns that represent detail
- Most temples and gov’t buildings
- Doric columns
- Simpleset
- Wider on top then bottom
- Standard for building columns
- Corinthian
- Fanciest column
- Decorated
- Become popular later in Greece
- Parthenon
- Dedicated to athena
- Cities treasury
- Only built in 483 BCE
- Arts inside
- Representation of democracy
- Navy
- Built the ships
- 80,00 trained men
- 400 navy ships
- 170 rows
- Military training
- Boys at the age of 18 had to join the military
- Government type
- Democracy
- Created executive bills
- Draco replaced old code of law
- All male citizens can participate in open voting
- Laws
- Citizens in Athens could be part of the gov’t
- Have a person plead for you
- Anyone the people didn't like can banish them
- Business contacts are forced by law
- Differentiated acctident murdar and premeditated murder
- Important figures
- Aristotle-father of westen philosophy
- Herodotus-father of history
- Alexander the great-paved the way to establish democracy
- Demosthenes-most patriotic man to live
Thursday-why we are better/continue notes
- Athenian Slave Life
- A male or female that was owned by citizens or by the city-state
- Could be bought and sold as an object and could not own land
- May have been a prisoner from another city-state
- Persian war
- Fought between the perisna empire and Greek city-states(Athens,Sparta, THebes)
- Problems started when Perisan leader Cyrus the Greek took over Ionia in 546BCE
- They were knocking on Greece’s door
- Why did Perisa want greece?
- Wealth and resources
- Increase the prestige of Cyrus the great
- End the numerous rebellions in the weasten part of their empire
- Ionian Revolt-499-493BCE
- The Ionian revolt was led by athenian General Mitides
- Ionan asked Athens to help them which they did
- Darius the Great quickly ended the Ionian revolt but was very angry at the Greeks for agreeing to help the Ionians
- Darius owed to burn tzhens to the ground before he died for helping the Ionians
- Perisan “peace” envoy
- Darius sent an envoy to the Greek city-states in 491 BCE asking them to submit to the Persians
- How did Athens respond?-they killed the persian envoy
- They killed the Persian envoys
- Darius responded with a naval invasion of 600 ships and 25,000 men
- Ancient Greece vs. Perisna empire
- Persia was the largest empire in the world at the time and consisted of millions of people
- Ancient greece was about 500,000 total people
- Battle of MArathon-490 BCE
- 90,000 Persiasn
- 10,000-20,000 Greeks
- How did Greeks win?
- Longer spears
- Heavior swords
- Better armor
- Phalanx formation
- Pheidippides
- After the battle ended, he ran from Marathon to Athens to tell the Athenians of the victory over persia
- How many miles is it from Marathon to Athens?
- 26 miles
- Battle of Rhermoptlae
- Ten year after the battle of MArathon, Persia once again invaded Greece
- Darius the Great’s son, Oerxes, made it a goal to destroy Athens
- The Persians won the battle of Thermopylae but not before the spartan soldiers held out for days allowing many greek troops to retreat
- It also allowed Greek city time to prepare
Friday-contine notes