Monday 9/23
-talked over fourm post leaders and their stories
-went over the next part of the european map
-ukraine's president on the phone with Biden (mentioning impeachment)
-watching a video over impeachment and talking about the presidents who have been kicked out before
-broader effects of 9/11
Tuesday 9/24
-went over the big south part of the european map
-trump scandal (will he be impeached) is it a mistake to look through this?
-climate change (watched a 16 year old girl) talking in class about opinion on climate change. will we die from it?
-broader events 9/11
-all sproting events were postponed (delayed seasons) about a week or 2 weeks
-national parks and landmarks closed for a while
-late night comedians took some time off (about a month)
-movies, tv shows, video games, were delayed and changed or cancelled (couldn't have any refrence to flying)
-airports closed for a few days and became much more heavy on security
-the department of homeland security was set up as a result
-patriot act
-war in afghanistan october, 2001
-one great think about this event is that is brought people together and increased our patriotism
-watched a video on waterboarding by trained professionals (they did it to get information on terriost attacks)
Thursday 9/26
-went over the whole european map
-continued going over the trump conversation
-quid pro quo (what does it mean) you give me something I give you something
-trump says there was no quid pro quo
-the house is talking about imeaching Donald Trump (watched a video)
-looked at the whistle blowers story
-lots of people concerned
-looked at donalds tweetes over the last hour
-went over carson king story
-talking about how his tweet from almost a decade ago got leaked with some innapropate things
-he has lots of love/hate from both sides
-some are hating on the de moines news
-the "okay" symbol is now racist and not okay
-whistleblower alleges attempted coverup