Monday - Mr. Bruns went overt the Forum Post and then went over how to do forum post and blog post.
- Ancient Olympics
- Olympics date to 776 BCE and lasted until 393 CE when the Romans ended them
- Lasted one day at first but eventually extended to five days
- Happens every four years an olympiad
- States as tribute to Zeus and has a mythological origin
- The modern olympic games started up again in 1896-Where?
- The big competition at the games was the Pentathlon
- Long jump, havelin, discus,stadion-200 yards, wrestling
- Olympic legend
- According to legend, it was Hercules who first called the games “olympic” and established the custom of holding them every four year s
- After heracles completed his twelve labors he build the olympic stadium in honor to zeus
- Mycenaeans
- Controlled the area around Greece from 1600BCE-1100BCE
- Heavily influenced by the minoans
- Known for their trade around the medterranean Sea. Aeean sea
- Known for their piracy on the seas surrounding Greece
- Known for their city-states-Athens, Mycenae, Pylos, Tiryns
- Historians aren’t sure if city-states were independent or more united
- Mycenaea’s did unite to fight the Trojan war against Troy
- The Myceanaens fell apart due to internal conflicts, wars as well as the sea prople ssacking theri city-states
- Eventually the Dorians came down from the noher and took over Greece
- Trojan War-1194-1184BCE
- Fought between Mycenaen Greeks and Troy(in turkey today)
- War began after the abduction of Queen Helen of Sparta by the Trojan prince Paris
- Helen’s husband, Menelaus, convinced his brother Agamenmonoon, king of Mycenae, to lead an expedition to get her back
- Agamenon was joined by the Greek heroes Achilles and Odysses
- They crossed the Aegean sea and Laid siege to Trot for nine years
- DEmanded Helen’s return
- Did the war really happen or is it just a myth?
- Homer
- Was a greek epic poet form 750-700 BCE(narrative poems celebrated heroic deeds)
- The Iliad was about the trojan war
- The Odyssey was a equeal that was after the Trojan war
Tuesday-continue notes above and state chapter 5 section 2
- Greek City-states/sparta
- Polis-city-minneapolis,Idianpolis
- Acropolis-a settlement in a city or higher ground used for defence and a place to discuss politics
Wednesday-no school
Thursday-continue notes
- Types of government in City-states
- Monarchy- government ruled by one person(king,queen)
- Aristocracy- government ruled by a small group of wealthy,landowning families
- Oligarchy- government ruled by a few powerful people
- Tyrants
- Powerful individuals who seize control from the government
- Cound be good or bad
- Democracy
- Rule by the people
- Athens had perhaps the world’s first democracy
- Only allowed citizens to participate
- Women, slaves and metics(foreigners) were not citizens
Friday-work on project