Monday - NO SCHOOL
Tuesday - Mr. Bruns went over the rest of the questionare. Then he started going over the PowerPOint
Civilization - A Highly Advanced Society
5 Traits
- Advances Cities
- Writing/Record Keeping
- Specialized Workers
- Complex Institutions
- Advanced Technology
- A country that has control of large areas outside of its borders
(Umayyad Caliphate, Yuan Dynasty, Qing Dynasty, Spanish Empire, Russian Empire, Mongol Empire, and British Empire)
Wednesday - Mr. Bruns continued to go through the PowerPoint
Other Empires
- Persian Empire
- Ottoman Empire
- Ancient Rome
- Greek Empire
- Portuguese Empire
- Ancient Egypt
- Phoenicia
These civilizations arose by 4 separate valleys around 3500 B.C.
- Nile, Tigrid/Euphrates, Indus, Yellow?Yangtze
- Egypt, Iraq, India, China
- Ferile soil, abundant crops, jobs, trade, waterway for transportation, water for crops and drinking.
Mesopotamis (Land between the rivers) (The Fertile Crescent)
Sumer (5000 BCE -1750 BCE)
The City-States of SUmer
- A city country (Had a larfe urban center with rual countryside surrounding it)
- Each had its own large military that protected their rural lands
- Faught each other to gain more farmland
Social Order
- King
- Priests
- Skilled Craftspeople
- Merchants
- Traders (huge impact on Sumer)
- Farmers
- Laborers
- Slaves
- Polythestic
- The worship of many Gods
- Each city-state considered one go to be its protector
- Largest structure inthe city
- Dedicated to a patron god of the city
- Resembled a pyramid and made of brick
- Built to look like a mountain
- Held political positions
- Made laws
- Educated
- Took care of the home and children
- Some wealthy women got an educaion
- Some educated women became priestesses in the temples
Thursday - Mr Bruns continued with the PowerPoint
- The wheel
-Vechles with wheels-carts & wagons
- Potters wheel
- Plow-pulled by oxen (Increased farm production)
- Clock
- Sewes under streets
- Bronze tools & weapons-Bronze Age
- Makup
- Glass Jewelry
- Writing
- Math Concepts
Sumerian Math
- System based on the number 60
- Divided a circle into 360 degrees
- Divided a year into 12 months (factor of 60)
-24 hour day
- Calculated the areas of retangles and triangles
Invention of Writing
- Cuneiform (World's fist system of writing)
- Scribe (Writer)
- Epics (Long poems that tell the stories of heroes)
The Legend of Gilgamesh (Watch Video)
Sumer's Fall
- The city states of Ancient Sumer, since they were small city states, were often fighting over land and water rights
- Their lack of unity left them open to attacks by stronger groups
The Rise of Babylon
- Located by the Euphrates River near modern-day Baghdad, Iraq
- Former Sumerian city
- By 1800 BC- Babylon had become quite powerful
- Lasted until 1026 BC when Assyrians took over
- Hammurabi (1792 BC) was Babylon’s greatest king
- Fought many battles to expand his power
- Named Babylon Empire after capital-see next slide
- Able to govern entire empire
- Oversaw irrigation projects
- Improved tax collection system
- Increased trade which led to prosperity
- Ruled 42 years-Babylon declined after his death
- Known mostly today for his code of law
Hammurabi's Code
- 282 laws dealing with almost every part of daily life
- Trade, loans, theft, marriage, injury, & murder
- Some still seen in today’s laws(innocent until proven guilty)
- Specific crimes= specific punishment
- Important because it was written down for all to see and people all over the empire could read exactly what was against the law
Finished with a video on Hammurabi's Code
Friday - Mr. Bruns coninued with his PowerPoint
Talked about the Hanging Gardens (Watched a Video)
Acienct Egyptin Civilization last
- 3000 BCE
The Nile River
- 1. 4000 miles long-world’s longest river
- The Nile River Valley provided the early Egyptians with rich farm land
- Surrounding deserts gave them protection from foreign invaders
- The Mediterranean and Red Seas gave the Egyptians a way to trade with people outside of Egypt
"The Gift of the Nile"
- Floods occurred yearly that were easier to predict that those in the Tigris & Euphrates
- Flooded Upper Egypt in summer
- Flooded Lower Egypt in the fall
- Coated land with rich silt
Egyptian Government
- The earliest Egyptian rulers were village chiefs
- Over time, a few strong chiefs united their villages to form kingdoms
- The strongest of the kingdoms eventually conquered the weaker kingdoms and by 4000 B.C. there were only two, the Upper and Lower Kingdoms
- Around 3100 B.C., Narmer(Menes), the king of the Upper Kingdom, conquered Lower Egypt, uniting the two
- Narmer became Egypt’s first pharaoh
- Pharaohs were seen as god-kings by the people of Egypt
- Narmer began the first ruling dynasty of Egypt
- A dynasty is a group of rulers from the same family
- Egypt was ruled by 31 different dynasties
- These dynasties are divided into three separate “kingdoms”
- The Old Kingdom-2600 BCE to 2300 BCE
- The Middle Kingdom-2100 BCE to 1670 BCE
c. The New Kingdom-1550 BCE to 1080 BCE