September 2 - September 6


TuesdayMr. Bruns went over the rest of the questionare. Then he started going over the PowerPOint 



Civilization - A Highly Advanced Society

5 Traits 

- Advances Cities 

- Writing/Record Keeping 

- Specialized Workers 

- Complex Institutions 

- Advanced Technology 


- A country that has control of large areas outside of its borders

(Umayyad Caliphate, Yuan Dynasty, Qing Dynasty, Spanish Empire, Russian Empire, Mongol Empire, and British Empire) 


WednesdayMr. Bruns continued to go through the PowerPoint 

Other Empires 

- Persian Empire

- Ottoman Empire 

- Ancient Rome 

- Greek Empire

- Portuguese Empire 

- Ancient Egypt 

- Phoenicia 


These civilizations arose by 4 separate valleys around 3500 B.C.

- Nile, Tigrid/Euphrates, Indus, Yellow?Yangtze 

- Egypt, Iraq, India, China 

- Ferile soil, abundant crops, jobs, trade, waterway for transportation, water for crops and drinking.

Mesopotamis (Land between the rivers) (The Fertile Crescent)

Sumer (5000 BCE -1750 BCE)

The City-States of SUmer

- A city country (Had a larfe urban center with rual countryside surrounding it)

- Each had its own large military that protected their rural lands 

- Faught each other to gain more farmland 

 Social Order 

- King 

- Priests 

- Skilled Craftspeople 

- Merchants 

- Traders (huge impact on Sumer) 

- Farmers 

- Laborers 

- Slaves 


- Polythestic 

- The worship of many Gods 

- Each city-state considered one go to be its protector


- Largest structure inthe city 

- Dedicated to a patron god of the city 

- Resembled a pyramid and made of brick 

- Built to look like a mountain


- Held political positions 

- Made laws 

- Educated 


- Took care of the home and children 

- Some wealthy women got an educaion 

- Some educated women became priestesses in the temples 

ThursdayMr Bruns continued with the PowerPoint 

- The wheel 

-Vechles with wheels-carts & wagons 

- Potters wheel 

- Plow-pulled by oxen (Increased farm production) 

- Clock

- Sewes under streets

- Bronze tools & weapons-Bronze Age 

- Makup 

- Glass Jewelry

- Writing 

- Math Concepts 

Sumerian Math 

- System based on the number 60

- Divided a circle into 360 degrees 

- Divided a year into 12 months (factor of 60)

-24 hour day 

- Calculated the areas of retangles and triangles 

Invention of Writing 

- Cuneiform (World's fist system of writing) 

- Scribe (Writer)

- Epics (Long poems that tell the stories of heroes) 

The Legend of Gilgamesh (Watch Video) 

Sumer's Fall 

The city states of Ancient Sumer, since they were small city states, were often fighting over land and water rights

Their lack of unity left them open to attacks by stronger groups

The Rise of Babylon 

  • Located by the Euphrates River near modern-day Baghdad, Iraq
  • Former Sumerian city
  • By 1800 BC- Babylon had become quite powerful
  • Lasted until 1026 BC when Assyrians took over



  • Hammurabi (1792 BC) was Babylon’s greatest king 


    • Fought many battles to expand his power
    • Named Babylon Empire after capital-see next slide
    • Able to govern entire empire
    • Oversaw irrigation projects
    • Improved tax collection system
    • Increased trade which led to prosperity
    • Ruled 42 years-Babylon declined after his death
    • Known mostly today for his code of law

Hammurabi's Code

  • 282 laws dealing with almost every part of daily life 
    • Trade, loans, theft, marriage, injury, & murder
  • Some still seen in today’s laws(innocent until proven guilty)
  • Specific crimes= specific punishment
  • Important because it was written down for all to see and people all over the empire could read exactly what was against the law

Finished with a video on Hammurabi's Code 

Friday - Mr. Bruns coninued with his PowerPoint 

Talked about the Hanging Gardens (Watched a Video) 

Acienct Egyptin Civilization last 

- 3000 BCE

The Nile River 

  1. 1.   4000 miles long-world’s longest river 
  1. The Nile River Valley provided the early Egyptians with rich farm land 
  2. Surrounding deserts gave them protection from foreign invaders
  3. The Mediterranean and Red Seas gave the Egyptians a way to trade with people outside of Egypt

"The Gift of the Nile"

  • Floods occurred yearly that were easier to predict that those in the Tigris & Euphrates
    • Flooded Upper Egypt in summer
    • Flooded Lower Egypt in the fall
    • Coated land with rich silt

Egyptian Government 

  • The earliest Egyptian rulers were village chiefs
  • Over time, a few strong chiefs united their villages to form kingdoms
  • The strongest of the kingdoms eventually conquered the weaker kingdoms and by 4000 B.C.  there were only two, the Upper and Lower Kingdoms
  • Around 3100 B.C., Narmer(Menes), the king of the Upper Kingdom, conquered Lower Egypt, uniting the two
  • Narmer became Egypt’s first pharaoh 
    • Pharaohs were seen as god-kings by the people of Egypt


  • Narmer began the first ruling dynasty of Egypt
    • A dynasty is a group of rulers from the same family
  • Egypt was ruled by 31 different dynasties
  • These dynasties are divided into three separate “kingdoms”
  1. The Old Kingdom-2600 BCE to 2300 BCE
  2. The Middle Kingdom-2100 BCE to 1670 BCE

c.  The New Kingdom-1550 BCE to 1080 BCE

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