..Ya so today in the beginning of current world issues we went over the map of Europe. I learned that the really big section of it is Moscow, Russia. I also learned that Mr Bruns likes to Vassodo Lichtenstein! hahaha. After that we went over the chart of where people are for either democrat, republic, libertarian, or conservative. I am a republican. I'm pretty close to the middle. I learned that most americans are towards the middle because they undecided on a lot of laws...After that, we went over some news stories. They were about jimmy carter running for president. He lost the election pretty badly. Jimmy thinks that there is some racist views about Obama. That may be true, but we have always had some people that hate our presidents. I don't think there is too much racism about him but thats just my opinion. I don't care if he is black. It really doesn't bother me at all. If he is brave enough to run our country, then more power to him. Our class seems to think that older people are more racist...The next story was about health care. Democrats are saying we will drop the government health care plan. They want it to be ran by non profit organizations around the country. Most people in the congress and older, white, males. Most of them are rich. Some people think that the people in the congress are racist toward Obama. I am completely for the health care reform. I think its good to have everyone convered. There are a lot of mixed feelings on this topic.abortion- republicans are opposed to it because its killing innocent babies. They wanna focus on abstinence.
Vaduz not Vassodo.