September 16, 2009

Today we are going to go over Mr. Bruns' powerpoint on JFK. We also finally finished our power point presentations. Asia, Amanda, and Daniel did their powerpoint on the reason for JFK's journey in Dallas.He was afraid of loosing the south. He went to the south to pretty much campane. He didnt' want the south to vote against him. The first shot that was fired was thought to be a car backfiring. that same bullet hit gov. John Connally. JFK died at one p.m. Dr. George Burkley signed death certificate. at 1:33, JFK's death was officially announced. JJ Humes and Thorton Boswell were the autopsy people. The seceret service took JFK's body back to washington to be looked at. The results; JFK was shot twice, in the upper back and the head. The head wound was the cause of death.went down to Texas to talk to govoner Connally and Sentator Ralph Yarborough. Because Connally and Yarborough didn't get along very much. There was supposed to be a bubble thing around the car depending on the weather, but they didn't put it on because of the nice weather.
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