September 16-20

Monday- We went over all the states and capitols. We talked about how people working for GM car company are going on strike. We also talked about fake news. We talked about how there were explosions in Saudi Arabia over the weekend. A company who makes opioids are bankrupt.

Tuesday- We took the class test over the northeastern states and capitols.  We talked about the attacks on Saudi Arabia. We also talked about the gay couples laws.

Wednesday- Today we took the US states and capitols test.

Thursday- We got the Europe map. We went over the first ten countries in Europe. We also talked about the stand your ground law.

Friday- We went over 12 more countries in Europe. We started talking about 9/11 and going over it. Both planes crashed into the towers between 8:45-9:00am. Around 2,600 people died.


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