Posted by 5Lauren on September 16, 2009 at 11:47am
Today in class, we went over the western part of the European map. It will be extremely hard I think, and I will need to study. I learned that there are very many countries that are extremely small which will be hard to remember. We began discussing our assigned blog about the Political Spectrum Test we took on Friday in class. I learned where I stood in politics and where my classmates were. We discussed main events that were mentioned in the test. Some of them included abortion, learning english/spanish, gay marriage, and the violence in video games. This test helped me learn a lot about what is going on in the world right now. I am glad I don't have to make all of those decisions! Tomorrow we will be starting our democrat/replubican party project. We will be learning what we have to do with our gropus and what our goals are.