Monday- Thomas Edison found a filament for the light bulb, his company was General Electric Mortors, he inventend the phonogram, and patented many things in his life. Cornelious Vanderbilt bought many ships, he later sold them and began to work on steam ships. Soon he became rich enough to buy his own fleet of ships. Later he took over in the railroad business. George Dayton became a banker, and later founder a food store, then created a mall, which has become Target today. Milton Hershey created a carmel business with his dad. Milton modenized the chocolate bar so the common person could afford it. James Penny Created the Golden Rule Store which became JCPenny.
Tuesday- We preseted about James Duke today. Henry Ford used the assembly line and modernized the automobile he introduced the $5 day.
Wednesday- The big five. Vanderbilt- Steam ships and railroads/ Rockefeller- Standard oil company/ Carnagie- Carnage steal, elephant walk across bridge/ JP Morgan- Banker/ Henry Ford- The Ford car, five dollar work day. What allowed the Industrial Revolution to take off. Natural resources, Laissez- Faire- Define (goverment will keep hands out of business)/ cheaper way to make steal (bessemer process)/ various inventions.
Thursday- Bigger cities, more workers, more people and money to buy products. Immigration and farmers loosing their farms, caused an increase in population. Time zones helped railroads be on time. Sherman anti-trust act broke up molopolies.
Friday- JP Morgan financed railroads, organized U.S. Steel, General Electric. Labor Unions increase pay and conditions.