Richard Nixon ♥ Danielle's Weekly Blog Post #15

Richard Nixon. Probably one of these most influential presidents on how America is perceived today. Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing is up to you. He opened doors with China and did many positive political things done, but unfortunately he goes down in American history as one of the most morally bankrupt dudes ever... Bummer.But who I really want to focus my blog on is a different Nixon. A younger, more feminine Nixon. No, not a young Richard, but his daughter Julie!!! :DAs I was researching Mr. Nixon on his Wiki page, I failed to see anything that caught my eye. And me, being Danielley, wanted to do something original that no one else would do for their blog. Perusing the wiki page, I saw the stuff I expected to. Background history, earlier political career, Watergate, yada yada... Nothing too exciting. So then I scrolled over to the lil' side panel, and there it was! My topic, a certain lady named Julie... Nixon... EISENHOWER!!!^ The happy couple!!! :DSo me, being the teenage girl I am, have a weakness for the mushy love stuff. And I thought that it was insanely cute that the daughter of Richard Nixon married the grandson of Dwight D. Eisenhower. But aside from the cute love-y stuff, she was a very intelligent woman. During her father's early political career as a senator and representative, the family moved around a lot but she still managed to attend several awesome private schools and managed to get her master's degree. Go her!During the Watergate Scandal, Julie was in her mid-twenties. She stood up and defended her father through the whole thing. Unfortunately, her mother didn't and people thought that was awfully suspicious. Most people thought of Julie as the First Lady. Which I think is kind of creepy, but I guess they only mean that she was the woman most people associated with the president, not Pat, the actual First Lady.^ Julie Nixon EisenhowerIn contrast to her father and grandfather-in-laws strong Republican-ness, Julie supported Barack Obama in the last election. She even donated the maximum $2,300 during Obama's campaign. She supported the environment, childrens' issues, and the elderly during her stint as first daughter and though none of my sources really declare it, I'm willing to assume she's a Democrat. Irony... Today she works as an author and she's written like a bajillion biographies.So yes. I actually felt pretty bad for Julie. I mean, jeez. I respect her for standing up for her dad, I mean she probably knew him better than anyone else, but it's a little awkward considering she was actually wrong in doing so. Poor thing. Though she seemed pretty smart, and it's awesome that she was so candid about everything. That, and you know, her marriage is like insanely cute.
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  • Now this is something I was not aware of. You realize that Nixon was Eisenhower's VP? I wonder how these two met?

    And it is quite ironic that she voted for Obama. Poor Richard is rolling over in his grave!
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