President Obama's Speech

In his speech, President Obama encouraged students to stay in school and strive towards their dreams. He urged us to never give up and keep trying even when we fail. Knowledge doesn't come without learning, and we need school in order to have knowledge. He gave examples of young students he has met who have all had their disadvantages, but stayed in school and kept learning. One boy had cancer, another girl was in fostercare and bounced around from foster home to foster home, and the otehr one did not speak english but attended an American school. All of them went to college and reached their dreams because they didn't give up. He also reflected on his own life as a child, and about how tough he had it, being raised by a single parent with hardly any male gaurdians in his life.

Young Barack Obama and his grandfatherI've heard a bunch of news stories about how he was going to present this speech and many parents refused to allow their students to watch it. I do not understand why not! It's probably just because they didn't want him to become the president in the first place. Honestly, if I was the parent and had a child in school, I would urge them to watch it. There is nothing harmful about telling children to not give up on their dreams, and to not drop out of school. Isn't that what America's been trying to do for many years now? I think it was a great speech, and it was a very good idea for him to present it.
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  • Well done!
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