Monday - NO SCHOOL
Tuesday - At the beginning of class Bruns talked about PowerSchool and Grades (Extra Credit, Percentages)
- He also talked about Forum Post Leaders/ Forum Post ( How to blog and where to blog?)
- Slavery/ Civil War / Reconstruction
- Scientific Rasism (1600 WW1)
- 13th / 14th / 15th / Amendments
- Literacy text
- Poll Tax
(Have to pay a tax to Vote or pass a reading and writing test) Unconstitutional (1915) (24th Amendment - 1964)
- Grandfather Clause (If your grandfather or father could vote on (1-1-1867) you could vote
Wednesday - Continued with some of our Chapter 8 PowerPoint
- Jim Crow Laws (Segregation Laws)(Song and Dance)(Minstrel Shows)(1828) (Done in blackface by white Minstrel performer Thomas Dartmouth)
- Plussy vs Ferguson- 1896
- "Seperate but Equal"
- Seperate and unegual in reality
- Lynching and violence-KKK (Kept many African Americans from voting)
- Brown vs Board of Education of Topeka, KS - 1954 (Unanimously decided to end Segregation)
Wednesday - Went over our Segregation PowerPoint. Then kept going on with the Chapter 8 PowerPoint
- Went over more Segregation Pictures
-Entertainment in the Late 1800's and Early 1900's
The Circus 1871-2017
Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey
Thursday - Contiued on the Chapter 8 PowerPoint
P.T. Barnum's Great Traveling Museum, Menagerie, Caravan, and Hippodrome-1871
- Barnum said they "had a show that was truly immense, and combined all the elements of museum, menagerie, variety performance, concert hall, and circus“
- Barnum call it "the Greatest Show on Earth"
- Barnum and Bailey agreed to unite their circus’ in 1881
- The show was called “P.T. Barnum's Greatest Show On Earth, And The Great London Circus, Sanger's Royal British Menagerie and The Grand International Allied Shows United"
- The show was eventually shortened to "Barnum and Bailey's Circus“
- The Ringling Brothers had a small Midwestern circus but eventually grew and purchased the Barnum and Bailey circus
- Combined the names in 1919
- Folded in 2017--$$ and animal cruelty issues
Coney Island
- First Coney Island was originally the Steeplechase (1897-1964) (Was bought by Fred Trump)
Dreamland- COney Island, New York (1904-1911) (Fire) (Only 7 years)
Luna Park- Coney Island, New York (1903-1944-1946-2010) (Fire 1944)
Saltair - Salt Lake City (Coney Island of the West) (Destroyed by Fire in 1970)
Vaudevill Shows (People went to before movies where big) ( Singing and dancing)
Parks- Central Park on NYC (1857) (Places to go for entertainment) (Lights)
- Dr. James Naismith
-First public games was in 1892
- Peach Baskets were uses
Baseball (Honus Wagner)
- Invented by Abner Doubleday in 1839
- Major League baseball became big in hte late 1800's
- Late 1800's college football beame popular
NFL would not start until the 1920's
Other Popular Sports
- Tennis
- Golf
- Boxing
- Biking (1885)
John McDermott
- First US golfer to win US Open
- Still Youngest to have won (19 in 1911)
Paddy Ryan
- Bare- Knuckle Champion of America (1880-1882)
"Gentleman Jim" Corbett (1892-1897) (Heavyweight Champion)
Jack Johnson (Heavyweight Champion (1908-1915)
World Fair’s
- Focused on showcasing the latest and greatest in inventions and technology
- 1853-New York, 1876-Philadelphia, 1893-Chicago(Ferris Wheel), 1901-Buffalo(McKinley killed), 1904-St. Louis, 1915- San Francisco
Friday - Continued with the Chapter 8 PowerPoint
- NBA would not start until 1946
- There were colleges and professional leagues before the NBA
- 1925 (American Basketball League)
- National League (1876)
- American League (1901)
- MLB (1903)
5.) Cincinnati Reds (1881)
4.) Pittsburgh Pirates (1881)
3.) St. Louis Cardinals (1881)
2.) Chicago Cubs (1871)
1.) Atlanta Braves
- Originally know as the American Professional Football Association until 1922 when it became the National Football League.
1869 New Jersey vs. Rutgers College Football Game
- Rules were based on the Football Association's rules of the time
- Rules did not allow carrying or throwing the ball-more like soccer and rugby than football
- Two teams of 25 players attempted to score by kicking the ball into the opposing team's goal
- The teams played 10 "games" against each other
- When a team scored a goal, it counted as the end of that game, and the team with the most goals after 10 games was the winner
- Rutgers won 6-4
- Chicago Bears & Arizona Cardinals