October 1st-5th

Monday-tsunami is caused by earthquake.

Donald J. Trump-

45th president


  • june 14th 1946
  • father played a big role in his sucess
  • went to military school(big personality)
  • he joined the family business
  • Wife-Melainia Trump

Building an empire-

  • Took a loan of 1 million dollars
  • Had his father cosign all his loans
  • Sold half a hotel for 142 million
  • Built the trump tower
  • Trump got a million dollars for the apprentice (185 episodes)
  • Filed bankruptcy 4 times
  • claims to be worth 10 billion dollars


  • karen McDougal claimed he had an affair with him
  • many other girls claimed he was assualting them
  • Trump's lawyer paid stormy daniels to not talking about the affair

2016 election-

  • everyone thought hillary was going to win
  • made swing states to go republican

building a wall-

  • people are coming illegaly
  • wants them to be citizens
  • protect our country

2018 North Korea Summit-

  • june 12th 2018
  • met in North Korea
  • first time in U.S. History
  • denuclearization
  • take away missile testing site
  • everything went well and plan to meet again

lowest unemployment rate-

  •  lowest it has ever been
  • signed th law of tax cutsmakes business's want to hire people 

Tuesday-the FBI is still investigating kavanaugh he says that he likes beer but no one hasn't seen him sexual assault anyone. 110/111 NFL players have been founf to have CTE(from hitting heads). Indonesia death toll is in the thousands, water supply isn't clean.  Mid-term elections are coming up in November.



  • support animals
  • want people to go vegan
  • not a rescue agency
  • anti-pet(think its cruel to animals)


  • 1980
  • think animals shouldn't be expiremented on


  • atheist
  • she killed animals because she thought it would be better for animals to be dead than to be pets
  • killed 38,190 and counting animals


Wednesday-Go over half the U.S. map.New York TImes think the loan of $1 million dollars made him the successful business owner he is now. They belive that his dad made him what he is not himself. She migh tbe lying because her ex boyfriend said they were together for 6 years and she never said anything about being sexually abused or harrassed. 

Thursday-Go over other half of U.S. map. Kavanuagh will have to wait until saturday to find out what the FBI has to say. 

Vladimir Putin-

early years-

  • born october 7th
  • graduationed 1975
  • part of KGB
  • stationed in east germany for a while
  • retired in 1990 as a lieutenant colonel
  • 1990 the sovient union fell apart
  • elected as prime minister in 2000

magnitsky act-

  • banned americans from adopting russian
  • december 12th 2012
  • made it easier for russians to adopt native orphans
  • orphans with disabilites doomed

edward snowden asylum-

  • leaked information
  • russia granted him an asylum
  • Obama cancelled meeting with Putin

Gay propaganda laws-

  • 2003-present day
  • banned non traditional relationships amoung minors
  • protect public morals, public health, and rights of others
  • promotes "gay sterotypes"

invasion of crimea-

  • ukrainian in unrest
  • 16,000 troops sent to crimea
  • putin defends invasion saying it was for defensive prposes
  • 2014

election hacking-

  • putin denies russia being involved
  • 2014 bots spread fake information
  • targeting democrats
  • FBI confirms multiple agency breaches
  • midterm elections could be affected

deadly anit-nato weapons-

  • putin unveiled weaponry that would render NATO defenseless
  • low flying nuclear capable, unlimited cruise missiles
  • demonstration video targeting U.S.
  • experts doubt these weapions are operational

bugged soccer ball-

  • putin gave donald trump a soccer ball and people think he is trying to spy on the U.S.
  • every adidas ball has one
  • it is impossible to recode the chip
  • russia has a history of bugging gifts to the U.S.

putin facts-

  • day after crimea invasion nominated for noble peace prize
  • putin loves dogs
  • putin is an orthadox christian
  • loves hockey
  • popular people person
  • most powerful/influential person
  • 2007 time magazine person of the year

Friday-go over U.S. map. Amazon go stores are showing up in the united states. 

modern child marriage-

child marriage-

  • get married at a very young age
  • some do it for money
  • over 117 countries allow child marriage including the United States.
  • can be married through parents consent

is it a problem-

  • over half the girls in the poor countries are married as children 
  • more likly to drop out of school
  • are in worse health
  • immature
  • could be married for life
  • children can't file for divorce
  • children can be sexually abuse

modern america-

  • girls that are younger than 18 don't know the risks of being married so young
  • one girl was raped and then her parents wanted her to get married that way they could hide that the rape happened

covered consent-

  • children can be sold off into marriage
  • some children are sold off as a package deal
  • poverty problem is the main reason why children are married at a young age

the poor get poorer-

  • the problem will keep getting worse
  • starting to decrease
  • happens to african girls the most



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