October 15- 18

Monday- Test

Tuesday- Test

Wednesday- Test

ThursdayChapter 8

Key Questions:

8.2- How did education cahnge in the late 1800's and early 1900's?

8.3- What laws and restrictions were put on African-Americans and other minorities after Reonstructed ended?

      Explain the significance of Piessy v. Fergusen

Public Education:

  • Education was for the wealthy until the mid 1800's
  • Most states had public shools by 1865
  • Many school aged children still continued to work in factories instead
  • 1865-1895 : states passed laws requiring 2-16 weeks anually of school
  • Classes focused on the  "3 Rs"
    • "-reading"
    • "-riting"
    • "rithmetic"
  • Memorization and recitation was very common

Blackboards were common. 

Grades were combined in classrooms. One teacher taught a few grades(K-2) or one teacher taught all grades.

Why did "the lecture" become a common strategy for teachers?

  • Some kids did not know how to read and write
  • They just listened

How is our school system set up like a factory during the Industrial Revolution

  • We are on an assembly line
    • Students are tested
    • Passing- move to the next part of the assembly line
  • Scedules
  • Schools are "one size fits all"
    • Prepared students to work in factories after finishing school

More people became educated as time passed. 

Children did all of the chores at the end of the day.

African Americans and Immigrant Education

  • African Americans were mosltly excluded from public schools or had to attend segregated schools
  • 1910- 3% of African Americans between 15-19 attended HS
  • Immigrants were incouraged to go to school
  • Most European immigrant families sent their kids to free public schools
  • Children learned English and became "Americanized"

Religion in schools

  • Public schools had mandatory reading from the Prostestant bible
  • Many Catholic families were not happy
  • Catholic communities set up parochial schools to give their children a Catholic Education
    • Parochial School: a school supported by a church parish

 Higher Education 

  • College
  • 1880-1920- enrollments quadrupled
  • HS diploma and entrance exams were useed in admittance purposes
  • Morill Act- 1862
    • Farm type act designed to set up colleges


  • Geroge Wallace- racist Alabama govenor

Friday- No school

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