Monday- At the beginning of class Bruns went over the Questions and Answes for Episode 5 of The Men Who Built America. Then when we finished that we got started into Episode 6 of The Men Who Built America.
Tuesday - We continued to watch The Men Who Built America (6-7)
Wednesday - We continued to watch The Men Who Built America (7-8)
Thursday - We finished Part 8 of The Men Who Built America. And then we started to finish our questionairres.
Friday - We finished the last of the questionairres and went over some of the Chapter 6 Powerpoint.
What Helped the Industrial Revolution to Take Off In US in the Late 1800’s?
- Tons of natural resources
- Coal
- Copper
- Lead
- Molybdenum
- Gold
- Iron
- Mercury
- Nickel
Government helped business
Government Sent National Guard in to End Strikes
Cities were growing
Immigrants provided cheap labor
Growing population provided markets for manufactured goods
Oil boom
Bessemer Process-cheap way to make steel
Various inventions
Captains of industry-Vanderbilt, Rockefeller, Carnegie, Morgan