October 1-5

Monday- At the beginning of class Bruns went over the Questions and Answes for Episode 5 of The Men Who Built America. Then when we finished that we got started into Episode 6 of The Men Who Built America. 

Tuesday - We continued to watch The Men Who Built America (6-7)

Wednesday - We continued to watch The Men Who Built America (7-8)

Thursday - We finished Part 8 of The  Men Who Built America. And then we started to finish our questionairres. 

Friday - We finished the last of the questionairres and went over some of the Chapter 6 Powerpoint. 

What Helped the Industrial Revolution to Take Off In US in the Late 1800’s?

  1. Tons of natural resources
  2. Coal
  3. Copper
  4. Lead
  5. Molybdenum
  6. Gold
  7. Iron
  8. Mercury
  9. Nickel

Government helped business

Government Sent National Guard in to End Strikes

Cities were growing

Immigrants provided cheap labor

Growing population provided markets for manufactured goods

Oil boom

Bessemer Process-cheap way to make steel

Various inventions


Captains of industry-Vanderbilt, Rockefeller, Carnegie, Morgan




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