Monday-went over Test
Ancient Rome
Milliarium Aureum
- Translates to Golden Milestone
- Was a marble or gilded bronze statue erected by Caesar Augustus in 20 BCE
- All roads were thought to have started here and all distances were measured in relation to it
Romulus is considered to be the first king of rome around 750 BCE
He was unhappy with the number of people and especially the lack of women in Rome so held a festival inviting people from other kingdoms
This is led to a war between the Romans and the Sabines
Why did Rome ended up being the place of the next great civilization in the west? Location
The First Romans 1000 BC-500 BC
- Latins- Built the original settlement at Rome on Palatine Hill
- Greeks- Established colonies in southern Italy and Sicily
- Etruscans.Came from Northern italy.Skilled metalworker and engineers.Had a writing system with an alphabet that the Romans adopted Greatly influenced Roman architecture. Introduced the arch
Republic- A government run by the people through elected representatives
Wednesday- Notes
The Early Republic
The Etruscans were the group that helped rome grow into a large city
Under the Etruscans, Rome was ruled by a king until 509 BCE
King Tarquin the Proud was a tyrant and was overthrown by Brutus, the founder of the Roman Republic. Tarquin would be the last King of Rome
The Roman Republic
- Set up after King Tarquin was overthrown in 509 BCE
- A form of government in which power rests with the citizens who have to right to vote for their leaders
Who were Roman Citizens
- The Roman Concept of the citizen evolved over time
- All males over 15 who were descended from the original tribes of Rome became citizens
- Citizens of rome distinguished themselves from slaves and other noncitizens by wearing a toga.
- The full citizens could vote, marry freeborn persons, and buy and sell things
- Some citizens were not allowed to vote or hold public commerce, but could not hold office or marry freeborn women
- In the late Republic, male slaves who were granted their freedom could become full citizens
- The Upper Class- wealthy landowners
- Very Small group-5-10% of the citizens population
- Controlled the most valuable land,held the key military and religious offices
- The lower class-peasants,laborers,artisans, shoekeepers
- Very large group-90-95% of the citizens population
- Very few privileges and say but could vote
- Paid most of the taxes and served in the army
The Roman Republic-The Government
- Dictators were chosen by the Consuls and elected by the Senate in times of crisis.
- They had absolute power for six months to make laws and control the army
- Then they had to shut down.
Roman Dictator- Cincinnatus
- During a severe military emergency, the Roman Senate call Cincinnatus, from his farm to serve as dictator and to lead the Roman Army
- Cincinnatus stepped down from the dictatorship and returned to his farm only 15 days after he successfully defeated Rome’s enemies
Master of the Horse- Magister Equitum
- Selected by the dictator as the head of the cavalry
- Was second in command
- His term ran out with the dictator, after six months
The twelve tables
- In 451 BCE, some officials started writing down ROme’s law onto tables