Roman Treatment if People Taking Over- Areas right next to rome like Latins, became full Roman citizens. In further cities in Italy, they became citizens but could not vote. In areas outside of Italy, groups became allies. They could govern themselves, but were expected to supply troops and not make allies / treaties with others.
Rome VS Carthage- The First Punic War was fought for control of Sicily and the Western Mediterranean. It lasted 23 years and Rome won. Mercinary Soldiers were upset that they werent getting paid, so they laid seige to Carthage until they got paid, so a large reason they lost is because they could not work together. The second Punic war was started by Carthage for revenge. that lasted 16 years (elephant guy came in) Carthage lost again. There was a third Punic war and Carthage lost again.
Punic- "Inhabitant of Carthage". Carthage was founded by Phoenicians
We watched videos
We watched more videos. Carthage VS Rome. Cato hated Carthage and visited them once and when he came back he told Rome they were living better than they were even though thy lost the war. We continuously pushed for war. Third Punic War- 53 years after the 2nd Punic War. Rome went on the offensive and laid seige to Carthage, they burned the city down, and Carthage was no more. Carthage became a Roman Colony in Africa. Rome would continue it's conquests.