10/22- no school
10/23- work day on Athens vs Sparta presentations
10/24-10/25-- Athens presentations
- History
- Mythological
- Battle with Athena vs Poseidon
- Athena grew an olive tree as a sign of peace
- Poseidon gave a horse as a sign of strength
- Athens choose Athena
- Prehistoric
- First apperance of Athens was Acropolis Hill during the final stage of the stone age
- In 1,400 BC there was Mycenaean City where there were religious centers where people praised Athena
- During the Dark Age people really started to come to Athens and became under the rule of King Theseus
- Growing city-state
- Europe, Asia, and Africa surrounded Athens
- Had the best literature, potery, drama, and schools
- Direct Democracy
- First city-state in Greece to have a direct democracy
- Had large cities
- Controlled the city Attica
- Attica was between mountains
- We controlled them because they had a lot of silver, lead, and marble
- Attica was between mountains
- Mythological
- Geography
- Located in Greece along a peninsula
- Protected by mountains
- Had underground rivers
- these rivers were the source of their water
- Hot and dry summers and mild winters
- It rarely snows and it mostly snows
- Beaches were close to the city
- Government
- Democracy
- most common- it was ruled by the athenians
- Had a direct democracy for 100 years
- Monarchy and Oligarchy
- They had these two sometimes. They sometimes changed what government they had
- The aristocrats had control of the government and the land
- Land owners were in debt to the wealthy
- Commiting crimes ment you had bad luck from the gods and punishment varied depending on the crime
- All citizens voted yes or no on laws
- Every year there was a drawing of 500 names of citizens
- The 500 that were choses had to serve in the government for 1 year
- They were incharge of making and changing the laws
- Democracy
- Gender roles
- Women
- Some could read, play instruments, and own slaves to do household things
- They couldn't own land, vote, chose their spouse(arranged marrage), sell or own anything of value
- Respectable women
- The main role was to stay home, be pretty, bear children, and keep the house together
- Husbands had the right to lock their wife in the house if she wasn't behaving like he wanted
- They were only seen at religious events, weddings, and funerals
- Gave birth and home without a midwife
- Mothers and children had a high morality rate
- Infanticide
- Father could decide if they wanted to keep it or not
- Unwanted or deformed newborns were left outside in a pot
- They died of exposure, dehydration, or asphyxiation
- Unwanted or deformed newborns were left outside in a pot
- Father could decide if they wanted to keep it or not
- Divorce
- It was difficult but not impossible for wives to divorce their husbands
- It was easier for husbands to divorce their wives
- Land was turned over to husband when married
- Returned to the Father of the wife after divorce
- Wives lost all rights to their children
- Other women
- Prostitutes
- unmarried lower class
- Poor women
- Lower class than prostitutes
- Slaves
- Lowest class and had no rights
- Priestesses
- stayed unmarried
- high status
- Courtesan
- intelligent
- not respected wives
- educated in singing and dancing(they were performers)
- Prostitutes
- Men could get a divorce, were the most important people in Athens, could go to war, go out and do things, go to the olympics
- Women
- Education
- Boys
- teach the art of war and peace
- taught by mother or male slave(age 6-7)
- Younger boys
- taught gracefulness and control
- went to private or public school
- had expensive and rare books
- teachers read the books out loud and the kids memorized them
- Older boys
- wrestling, boxing, running, lyre, singing
- education ended at age 13 or 14
- when their education ended the had to go into apprenticeships or be philosophers
- Girls
- taught domestic education like housework
- some were taught how to be courtesans
- Boys
- Entertainment
- Festivals
- Athens would usually have festivals during weekends
- The Main Festival was mid month when the moon was full
- had music, sport competitions, and poetry
- had sacrifices to gods
- Theatres
- help up to 14,000 people
- no more than 3 actors performed at a time
- the actors wore masks to separate characters
- Olympics
- began around 776 BCE
- did it for Zeus every four years
- started with only sprinting events
- later added javelin, discus, long jump, and chariot racing
- Pottery
- used bigger bowls for cooking/storing food
- smaller bowls for eating/drinking
- made out of iron-rich clay
- Festivals
- Armour and weapons
- Weapons
- thrusting spear, sword, and shield
- Armour
- made out of bronze
- Korinthian type helmet, greaves, and skirts
- Weapons
- Peloponnesian war
- started fighting 404-431 BC
- Sparta attacked Athens because they were being greedy and cocky after they won a previous battle
- The war was divided into three phases
- first- the Archidamian War
- Second- the Peace of Nicias and the Sicilian expedition
- third- the Ionian War
10/26-10/29-- Sparta presentation
- History