Oct 21-Nov 15

Monday-Go over test




Ancient Rome


Milliarium Aureum

  1. Translates to Golden Milestone
  2. Was a marble or gilded bronze statue erected by Caesar Augustus in 20 BCE
  3. All roads were thought to have started here and all distances were measured in relation to it



Romulus is considered to be the first king of rome around 750 BCE


He was unhappy with the number of people and especially the lack of women in Rome so held a festival inviting people from other kingdoms


This is led to a war between the Romans and the Sabines


Why did Rome ended up being the place of the next great civilization in the west? Location

The First Romans 1000 BC-500 BC

  • Latins- Built the original settlement at Rome on Palatine Hill
  • Greeks- Established colonies in southern Italy and Sicily
  • Etruscans.Came from Northern italy.Skilled metalworker and engineers.Had a writing system with an alphabet that the Romans adopted Greatly influenced Roman architecture. Introduced the arch


Republic- A government run by the people through elected representatives


Wednesday- Notes


The Early Republic

The Etruscans were the group that helped rome grow into a large city

Under the Etruscans, Rome was ruled by a king until 509 BCE

King Tarquin the Proud was a tyrant and was overthrown by Brutus, the founder of the Roman Republic. Tarquin would be the last King of Rome

The Roman Republic

  • Set up after King Tarquin was overthrown in 509 BCE
  • A form of government in which power rests with the citizens who have to right to vote for their leaders


Who were Roman Citizens

  • The Roman Concept of the citizen evolved over time
  • All males over 15 who were descended from the original tribes of Rome became citizens
  • Citizens of rome distinguished themselves from slaves and other noncitizens by wearing a toga.
  • The full citizens could vote, marry freeborn persons, and buy and sell things
  • Some citizens were not allowed to vote or hold public commerce, but could not hold office or marry freeborn women
  • In the late Republic, male slaves who were granted their freedom could become full citizens



  • The Upper Class- wealthy landowners
  • Very Small group-5-10% of the citizens population
  • Controlled the most valuable land,held the key military and religious offices



  • The lower class-peasants,laborers,artisans, shoekeepers
  • Very large group-90-95% of the citizens population
  • Very few privileges and say but could vote
  • Paid most of the taxes and served in the army




 The Roman Republic-The Government

  • Dictators were chosen by the Consuls and elected by the Senate in times of crisis.
  • They had absolute power for six months to make laws and control the army
  • Then they had to shut down.


Roman Dictator- Cincinnatus

  • During a severe military emergency, the Roman Senate call Cincinnatus, from his farm to serve as dictator and to lead the Roman Army
  • Cincinnatus stepped down from the dictatorship and returned to his farm only 15 days after he successfully defeated Rome’s enemies

Master of the Horse- Magister Equitum

  1. Selected by the dictator as the head of the cavalry
  2. Was second in command
  3. His term ran out with the dictator, after six months


The twelve tables

  1. In 451 BCE, some officials started writing down ROme’s law onto tables






The roman Republic-Military

  • The Military was very important
  • All citizens who owned land were required to serve in military
  • Plebeians served in the military as well


Praetorian Guard

  • The elite of the roman Army
  • Their duty was to protect high ranking officials and eventually became personal bodyguards of the Roman emperor
  • The guard eventually got involved in overthrowing emperors and naming their replacements


Roman Treatment of People Taken Over

  • Areas right next to rome,such as latins, became full Roman citizens
  • In other areas of Italy further away, groups became citizens,but could not vote




Rome vs Carthage- 3 Punic Wars


  • The First Punic War was fought for control of Sicily and the western Mediterranean
  • Rome Won-Lasted 23 years-264-241 BCE
  • The Second Punic War was started by Carthage to get revenge from the previous loss
  • Rome Won- Lasted 16 years-218-202 BCE
  • The Third Punic War was started by Carthage because they broke part of the treaty that they signed
  • Rome Won



Thursday- Notes


Events Between the 2nd and 3rd Punic War

  • The treaty that ended the 2nd Punic War caused carthage to lose all land outside of where Carthage was
  • The Treaty also said that Carthage could have no army and not go to war
  • Shortly thereafter, Carthage was attacked by the Numidian King, Masinissa, who was an ally of Carthage in the 2nd Punic War
  • Since Carthage could not have an army, they asked Rome to help.


Third Punic War

  • 53 years after the 2nd Punic War
  • Rome went on the offensive and laig siege to Carthage
  • The Romans burned the city, 200,000 Carthaginian people died and 50,000 were sold on slavery
  • Carthage was no more and became a Roman colony called Africa
  • With Carthage out of the picture, Rome would contuine its conquests in the upcoming decades and be the dominant power in the area






The Roman Republic Falls Apart




The growing gap between rich and poor--income inequality


  • As rome took over areas, it took in slaves as well
  • By 100 BCE, slaves made up 33% of Rome’s Population
  • Small farmers couldn’t compete with the rich landowners and had to sell land leaving them homeless many became soldiers
  • The “victorious” soldier problem”

Gaius Julius Caesar’s Resume

  • Grew up in a patrician family
  • Father died when he was 16
  • Married Cornelia in 84 BCE
  • Became the High Priest of Jupiter
  • There was a Civil War in Rome and the person Caesar backed lost
  • Due to this, Caesar joined the military to hide from Sulla, the new dictator 
  • Fought in Asia and Cilicia
  • In 60 BCE, Julius Caesar returned to Rome and joined forces with Crassus, a wealthy Roman, and Pompey, a popular general
  • With their help, Caesar was elected Consul in 59 BCE
  • Caesar went to Gaul in 58 BCE with his legions in search of money
  • He fought the Gauls ( Vercingetorix) and eventually defeated them by 52 BCE- this was not an easy win for rome



First Triumvirate Falls apart

  • Crassus was killed in a battle in Syria so he was out of the picture
  • Pompey became jealous of Caesar’s power and popularity so the Senate ordered Caesar to disband military and return to rome to face trial.
  • Pompey fled to spain and then Greece where Caesar’s troops defeated him

Caesar and Cleopatra in Eqypt-47BCE

  • Caesar arrived in Egypt and was not happy that they had killed pompey
  • Caesar declared martial law and took over the palace and deposed Ptolomey XIII
  • Ptolomey orderd Cleopatra VII back to the throne aligned with her, and defeated Ptolomey XIII and the Egyptians in 47 BCE in the Battle of the Nile River
  • Cleopatra VII was the last egyptian leader before rome took it over
  • Cleopatra and Caesar would have a son together, Ptolemy Caesar(known as Caesarion)

Caesar as Dictator

  • Served just a year before he was assassinated
  • Granted Roman citizenship to many people in the provinces
  • Gave land to poor
  • Expanded the senate, adding friends and supporters from Italy and other regions
  • Helped the poor by creating jobs, espically through the construction of new public buildings
  • Started colonies where people without land could own property
  • Increased pay for soldiers and helped veterans get land
  • Abolished the tax system
  • Helped rebuild Carthage as a Roman colony


Caesar’s Assassination-44 BCE

  • Due to helping the middle and lower class, Caesar made enemies with the wealthy class, including many in the Senate(Optimates)
  • Many were scared that Caesar wanted to be king
  • Marcus Junius Brutus and Gaius Cassius Longiuns were the two that killed Caesar-stabbed 23 times by as many 60 conspirators


The Second Triumvirate- 43 BCE

  • Octavian, Marc Atntony adn Lepidus ruled Rome for ten years
  • Purged political rivals and supporters of the assassins
  • Civil War broke out after Caesar's death with Octavian winning
  • Eliminated enemies and anyone involved in Caesar’s Assassination
  • Brutus, Cassius, Pompeius
  • Triumvirate fell apart eventually due to jealousy and violence




  • Octivan decided to attack first and defeated Antony and Cleopatra’s fleet in the battle of Actuim as stated previously.
  • Antony and Cleopatra were able to escape but eventually committed suicide instead of being captured.
  • Octavian had Caesarion strangled as well as Anthony’s oldest son
  • Two caesars are one to many
  •  Octavian was now the lone ruler of Rome and its empire
  • However, he decided to act like he wanted to allow the Republic to continue
  • The Senate loved this and gave him the name” augustus” or “Illustrious one” or “Exalted one”


Augustus and the Roman Empire

  • Augustus would usher in the “Pax Romana” (27-180 AD) which means “ Roman Peace”
  • This was the period of time where rome was at its peak and the economy, the arts and agriculture flourished.

Augustus Accomplishments

  • Stabilized the frontier
  • Created a system of government that survived for centuries
  • Set up civil service within rome
  • Paid workers to manage the affairs of government
  • Made adultery illegal
  • Tax incentives for families with three or more children

Augustus’s Death

  • Died in 14 CE

11/11 - 11/15


Roman Life

  • Discipline, strength adn loyalty were stressed in Rome
  • People had gravitas that had these charactertistics
  • 90% of people farmed throughout the empire

Most people in Poverty

  • High Unemployment
  • Lived in cramped tenements





  • Slavery was a significant part of Roamn Life and economy
  • The Romans had more slaves than any previous civilzation ⅓ of the population
  • Most slaves were conquered people and included men, women, and children
  • Children born slaves also became slaves
  • Slaves could be bought and sold as they were seen as property 

Gladiator Contests

  • Governement put on to appease the poor
  • Provided free of charge of during holiday
  • Fought in the Colosseum in Rome
  • Animal vs Animal. Animal vs Man. Man vs Man.


Wednesday- Roman God Presentation



Why Was Christiantiy Attractive to People?

  • Embraced all people-- men and women, enslaved persons, the poor, and nobles
  • Gave hope to the powerless
  • Offered a personal relationship with a loving god

Rome’s reactio

  • Rome persecuted Christians as they did not worship the Roman gods
  • Many were crucified, burned or killed by wild animals in arenas


The Early Christian(catholic) Church

  • A priest led each small group of Christians in each church
  • A bishop, who was also a priest, supervised several local churches
  • Eventually, every major city had its own bishop
  • The apostle Peter became the first bishop of Rome


Early christian Issues

  • As time went on,there were growing disagreements between Christians in regards to beliefs
  • The New Treatment was added to the Herbew Old Testament to make the Christian bible which helped unify Christians



The Nicene Creed

  • In 325 CE, Constantine further unified the teachings of Christianity


The Three Main Causes for the Fall of Rome

  • Internal Problems
  • Separation of The Roman Empire into East and West
  • Outside invasions


Diocletian Splits the Empire

  • Diocletian was a strong ruler that brought law and order back to the Empire
  • He believed that the empire had grown too large and too complex for one ruler
  • He divided the Empire into two



  • Contstantine took control of the western part of the roman Empire in 312 CE and also took control of the eastern part
  • United the Empire during his reign and moved the capital from Rome to Byzantium, changing the name of the city to Constantinople
  • Huge walls were built around Constantinople to protect it from barbians
  • After his death, the empire was split in two again
  • Today the city is known as Istanbul

The Last Roman Emperor and the end

  • The last Western Roman emperor was Romulus Augustulus, a 14 year old
  • He was usted by the German forces in 476 and Rome fell
  • The Eastern Roman empire continued and flourshied until the Ottoman Turks took them over in 1543
  • After Rome fell, Europe fell into the Dark Ages
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