Monday- W.A.S.P. is White, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant.
Tuesday- Review test. It takes 4 to 20 years to get into America legally. To get into America quicker you can be married or have relatives who live in America. Push and Pull factors. Streets paved with gold. America accepts all but real just WASP.
Wednesday- WASP mixed in quicky. Newer immigrates did not mix in, went to China Town and Little Italy. Immigrated to America and then sent money back to family. Ships made roughly 50,000 dollars on a one way trip in 1900 money. A ticket cost 30 dollars, 850 dollars now. 10% of passengers die on the voyage.
Thursday- Ellis Island video, European Immigrates. Angle Island, West coast, not treated well because of there difference. Chinese Exclusion Act kept Chinse from entering the U.S. The Gentlemans Agreement was between the U.S. and Japan, which said if you don't send any more of your people over, we will end segregation. Immigration from Europe, Asia, and many other places.