Obama's Speech

Obama talked about how he wants every student in America to work as hard as they can because they are America's future. I see nothing wrong with this. All he is doing is trying to motivate students to do better. They were also going to have all the students sign a pledge at the end of the speech. I don't know for sure if i like that because if someone looks at the political side of that speech and decides they don't like it then why should they have to sign a pledge if its against what they believe. I personally would have no problem signing a pledge because i think he is just trying to make us work hard for ourselves and our country. This way we will have a good future which will be good for our country.There is now reason not to show students in school this speech. I don't think it would hurt anything. If i does anything it would probably help. Some people may actually decide to work harder.
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  • Now this is doen in your own words. Good!
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