The current situation in America is that all people should have healthcare but some can't afford it. The number of Americans without it, is growing larger. More people are being denied coverage. The first thing Obama wants to do, is reform the health care system. To do this, he will have to expand coverage, improve quality, and lower the costs. Second, he wants to promote scientific and technological advancements. We will have to further scientific advantages and help people promote the ideas that they have about cures for diseases that are killing many people. Third, Obama wants to improve preventative care. That means that you prevent a sickness before you get it by vaccines or change in your life style. He wants us to make critical investments in electronic health records to reduce errors and save lives.The plan that Obama has about healthcare, is to have the government provide health care/ health insurance for the people who can't afford it. This will probably raise our taxes so it angers some people. But I think it is important for everyone to have health care.We want this reform to happen so that everyone can afford to have healthcare. Then everyone will be covered for the most part if they get hurt or sick. I think its all a great idea, but I'm not sure our economy is strong enough for such a bold move.A lot of people are really mad about Obama's healthcare plan. The people that can afford healthcare will be paying for the people who can't afford it to have healthcare. This will be paid through our taxes. I have mixed feelings on weather or not this is a good idea.