Basically, the United States spends more money per person on health care than any other nation. More babies have died in the first year of birth than any other wealthy country. In 2007, $174 billion went to diabetes costs. This is outrageous considering diabetes is pretty easily prevented.The Institue of Medicine states that we don't ensure that all citizens have coverage, and are the only industrialized nation that doesn't.
Bankruptcy in America is mainly caused by Medical debt, which is ruining our economy.This doesn't seem right at all. Why are we the only ones not ensuring this? If medical bills are not being paid it creates deficiency in the economy. The economy goes bad; people are out of jobs. No jobs:No healthcare. If you have no job, you have no money for healthcare or medical bills. Does it not seem like an everlasting cycle?Obama is trying to work with Congress so that america can have a choice of doctor, control the high medical costs, and ensure affordable, good healthcare for all Americans. This reform wanted to cover 46 million people that are uninsured. That is an insane amount, and doesn't seem very realistic. Supposedly the savings from 2010-2019, nine years, will be $571.6 billion. Which would be deficit-neutral.This reform would overall help the economy. Obama and supporters want this to be for the people not drug companies and hospitals. It seems as if this could just maybe be pulled off. Great things don't come all at once.
With this, administrive spending for doctors could decrease from 27% gross spending to 20%. Republicans actually think this will make us lose money. Republicans say people will stop buying private insurance after this reform. They say people will start buying cheaper but lower quality health insurance.