Crassus- THirst for riches so they poured melted gold down his throat to kill him.
Caesar went to Gaul in 58 BCE with his legions in search of money. He fought in Gaul.
First Tyriumvirate Falls aprart- Crassus was killed in battle in Syria so he was out of the picture. Pompey became jealous of Caesar's power and popularity so the Senate ordered Caesar to disband the military and return to Rome to face trial (for wanting to take land from the rich and give to the poor). Caesar refused to come back for trial and instead crossed the Rubicon River and attacked Pompey's troops. Caesar wins. Popey fled ti Spain and then Greece and Caesars troops chased and defeated them there. Pompey escaped and fled to Egypt where he was then killed. Chleopatra the 7th was in exile at the time because her brother beleived he should be in power, so Cleopatra was not there to protect him. Caesar was not happy about Egypt killing Pompey since he wanted to be the one to do it. He returned to Rome with support from the people and the military and became dictator.
Caesar finds out that Egypt's Pharoah killed Pompey. He declared Martial law and took over the palace and deposed Ptolomey XII (the pharoah). He kicked out Ptolomey and brought Cleopatra bak to the throne. Caesar and Cleopatra married and have a son- Ptolomy Caesar.
Caesar as Dictator- Only dictator for about a year- he granted Roman citizenship wo many people further away from Rome. Gave land to poor. Expanded senate, added friends and supporters from Italy anf other regions, Helped the poor by crerating jobs , especially through construction of new buildings. Started colonies where people who lost all theeir land could own property, Increased pay for soldiers and helped veteransget land, abolished tax system, Rebuild Carthage as a Roman colony, Reformed tje Roman calander. - He did a lot but upset the rich in doing so.
Due to helping lower classes, Caesar made a lot of enemies with the Upper class and was killed by many people in the Senate and upper class. A lot of people were scared Caesar wanted to be King- KING. They were a democray so they did not like this. It is thought that Caesar's close friend (and maybe illegitamate son?) Brutus assisted in killing him.
After Julius Caesar- Caesar's adopted son- Guius Octavius Thurnius ruled Rome for over 10 years. He purged (killed) political rivals and supporters of the assassins. Civil War broke out after Caesar's death and Octavian won. Triumvirate fell apart eventually due to jealousy and violence. Octavian forced Lepidus to retire after insulting Octavian. Octavian went to war with Marc Antony (with Cleopatra from Egypt).
Antony fell in love with Cleopatra and had three kids. Caesar had his one and only biological son with Cleopatra even though he had a wife. Antony was married to Octavian's sister (Octavia) and had an affair with cleopatra. Octavian was not happy about this and Antony divorced Octavia. Octavian was scared antony and Cleopatra were goign to try and take over Rome because Antony's will stated Caesarion was the rightful heir to Caesar not Octavian.
Octavian attacked first and defeated Caesar and Cleopatra. Antony and Cleopatra escaped but ommit suicide instead of being captured. Octavian killed Caesarion and Antony's oldest son - "two caesars is too many". Octavian was now the last one standing and leader of the Empure but he decided to act like he wanted the Republic to continue and not be Emporer. The Senate loved him and called him a lot of special names. Eventually, he was given power to be emporer- the first emporer of Rome.
Augustus and the Roman Empire- Pax Romana- Lasted over 200 years and meant "Roman Peace". Rome was at its peak and or economy and the arts and agriculture flourished. Accomplishments- Stabilized frontier (peace) -Created a system of government that survived for centuries. - Set up civil service within Rome. -Made adultery illegal. - Tax incentives for families with three or more children (wanted to populate area) - Glorified ROme and awesome public buildings.
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Augustus' death- "I found Rome a city of clay and left it a city of marble" or ""Have I played the part well? then applaud as I exit." His son Tuberius succeeded him as emperor.