November 11-15


Roman Life- Descipline, strength, and loyalty were stressed in Rome. Most people (90%) farmed throughout the empire. The rich lived by Conspicuous consumption. Most people lived in poverty though. The government provided grain everyday becasue of this but many people struggled for survivak. There was high unemployment and lived in cramped areas. The government supplied entertainment though to try and make the poor happy. We watched a video on Teen life in Rome.


Slaves were seen as property not people. These slaves consisted of conquered peoples and men, women, and children. Children born to slaves were slaves. The strong slaves could become gladiators.

Gladiator Contests- government put them on to appease the poor. they did 150 per year and it was free of charge. The fights were between animals vs animals, man vs animals, and man vs man. Sparticus- Roman Gladiator lead a revolt amongst other poor, slaves, and gladiators.

Roman Religion Assignment- Choose a Roman God. Saturn is mine.

Saturn, God of Sowing or Seed = Cronus, Greek Agriculture Diety 


We went over our Roman Gods presentation


We finished our Roman God Presentations.

Some "Death Games that happened in the Colosseam- Naked women tied to poles and eaten by animals.  People were placed on see saws and had to balance so they didnt fall and become prey to animals.  One man survived a lion because he claimed he met the lion in Africa once and pulled a thorn from his paw. One punishment would be to be squashed by an elephant by being sat on. Many people commit suicide before they could be put in the colosseam.

What was the problem with Roman gods if you looked at them from a person's perspective? - The Roman gods were not loving and were cruel and violent and impersonal with little emotion or care for the people. People were scared of them. Christianity was more loving and hopeful so this made Romans want to adopt this new religion after Rome took over the Jewish land of Israel.

Why was Christianity Attractive to people?- It embraced all people- Men, Women, enslaved persons, the poor, nobles, --- Everyone was equal. It gave hope to the powerless. It offered a personal relationship with a loving God. Promised eternal life after death.


Priest- led small group of Christians in a church. Bishop (also a priest) lead over several local churches. Every major city had a bishop. Peter became the first bishop of Rome. Jesus refered to Peter as the "rock" christianity would be built upon. All priests and Bishops sourced their authority to him. These people said he was their first Pope. Whoever was the bishop of Rome was the leader of the church. As time went on there were more and more differences and disagreements in CHristianity. The New Testement was made to unify Christians.

Nicene Creed- Defined th ebasic beleifs of the church.

Fall of the Roman empire- People became more loyal to their generals than their empire. CIvil war broke out.

The end of the reign of Marcus Aurelius died, this ended the time of Roman Peace and Prosperity and things started falling apart.

Three main causes- 1- Internal promblems and conficts - income equality, non-patriotism. 2- Seperation of the ROman EMpure into the East and West. 3- Outside invasions.

Diocletian- a strong ruler that brought new law and order back ti the empire. Beleived the empire had grown toolarege and too comples for one ruler. He divided the empire in two. (Greek Speaking East and Latin speaking West). Diocletian took the Eastern half for himself and appointed a co-ruler for the West. (East was flourishing. Rome / West was not). 

Constantine- Took control of the Western part of the Roman empire and took control of the east later. He unified the two parts. He moved th ecapital of the empire from Rome to Byzantium and changed the name of the city to Constantinople. Walls were built around the city to protect it from barbarians. After his death, the empire was split in two again. Today the city is Istanbul. This empire would last until Ottoman Turks take them over.

Germanic Tribes were looking to invade and took over the Roman empire. In 370 AD the huns moved into Europe from Central Asia and battled Germanic Tribes. Under Attila, The Huns invaded Roman Empire. The Huns attacked over 70 cities. They invaded Rome but failed in453 AD. When Hun DIed, so did his power, and The Hun's faltered a bit.

Last Roman Empire- Romulus Augustus at 14 yo.




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