Nov. 5- Nov. 9


  • Persian Wars(Greco-Persian) 499-449 BCE
    • fought between the Persian Empire and Greek city-states(Athens, Sparta, Thebes)
  • Why did Persia want Greece?
    • wealth and resources
    • increase the prestige of the King
    • end the numerous rebellions in the western part of their empire
  • Ionian Revolt 499-493 BCE
    • the Ionians(Greeks) led a revolt against the Perians after Cyrus the Great died
    • led by the Athenian General Miltiades
    • Ionia asked Athens to help them which they did
    • Darius the Great(Persian leader) quickly ended the Ionian Revolt but was very angry at the Greeks
    • Darius vowed to burn Athens to the ground before he died for helping the Ionians
  • Miltiades Escapes
    • Miltiades escaped back to Athens and told the Athenians that the Persians were coming to burn Athens
  • Persian "Peace" Envoy
    • Darius sent an envoy to the Greek city-states in 491 BCE asking then to submit to the Persians
    • What did Athens do in response?
      • they killed the Persian envoys
    • Darius responded with a naval invasion of 600 ships and 25,000 men
  • Ancient Greece vs. Civilization of Persia
    • Persia was the largest empire in the world at the time and consisted of millions of people 
    • Ancient Greece was about 500,000 total people
    • it was truly a David vs. Goliath battle
  • Athens and Sparta united
    • Athens and Sparta had been enemies for hundreds of years
    • they now fought not for Athens or for Sparta but for Greece
  • Battle of Marathon- 490 BCE
    • 90,000 Perisans
    • 10,000-20,000 Greeks
    • Greek hoplites vs Persian archers- Who won?
      • the Greek hoplites won
    • How did they win?
      • longer spears, heavier swords, better armor, and the phalanx formation
  • Pheidippides
    • after the battle ended, he ran from Marathon to Sthens to tell the Athenians of the victory over Peria
    • Just over 26 miles form Marathon to Athens
      • thats how the Marathon runs today got their name
  • Battle of Thermopylae- 480 BC   (the movie 300 is based on this battle)
    • 10 years after the Battle of Marathon, Persia once again invaded Greece
    • Darius the Great's son, Xerxes, made it a goal to destroy Athens
    • The Persians won the Battle of Thermopylae but not before the Spartan soldiers held out for days allowing many Greek troops to retreat
    • it also allowed Greek cities time to prepare
    • every Greek person died
  • Aftermath of the Battle of Thermopylae
    • even though the Persians won this battle, it slowed the Persians down enough for the Greek city-states to build up their defenses
    • The Persians moved into Greece and sacked Athens
  • The Battle of Salamis- 480 BC
    • at the naval Battle of Salamis, the Greeks destroyed the Persian navy
    • the Persians were never the same after that and were eventually driven out of Greece
    • After the Persian Wars, the Delian League was established setting up an alliance between the Greek city-states
    • Starting around 470 BC, Greece, and Athens specifically, entered a golden age
  • The Peace Treaty- 449 BCE
    • all Greek city-states of Asia were to be free
    • Persia couldn't come close to certain areas in Greece
      • Persian satraps(governors and armies) were not to travel west of the Halys River or closer than a day's journey on horseback to the Aegan Sea or closer than three days' journey on foot to the Aegean Sea
      • No Persian warship was to sail west of Phaselis, nor west of the Cyanaean rocks
      • If the terms were observed by the Persian king and his generals, then the Athenians would not send troops to the Persian lands

11/6- Democracy and Greece's Golden Age- after the persian wars

  • The Golden Age of Athens
    • 477-431 BC
    • came about after Greece defeated the Persians
    • drama, sculpture, poetry, philosophy, architecture, and science flourished
    • also known as the "Age of Pericles"
      • led Athens in the Peloponnesian War
  • Pericles' Plan for Athens- 461-429 BC
    • three goals for Athens
      • strengthen Athenian democracy
      • hold and strengthen the empire
      • glorify athens
    • Goal #1: Stronger Democracy
      • increased the number of paid government jobs which benefitted people who were not wealthy
      • instituted direct democracy- everbody that is a citizen votes
        • citizens rule directly and not through elected representatives 
    • Goal #2: Strengthen the Empire
      • helped establish and eventually led the Delian League after the Persian Wars
        • alliance of Greek city-states
      • grew Athen's navy
      • started dominating other city-states which led to conflicts
    • Goal #3: Glorify Athens
      • used money from the Delian League to buy gold, marble and ivory
      • used money from the Delian League to hire artists, architects, and workers to build buildings and sculptures
      • Phidias was hired to build the Parthenon
      • Greek sculptors focused on beauty, not realism
      • Classical art focused on simplicity and being well proportioned

11/7- talked about the election results

11/8- more notes

  • Greek Drama- Tragedy and Comedy
    • A tragedy was a serious drama about common themes such as love, hate, war, or betrayal
      • the hero usually was an important person and often gifted with extraordinary abilities
      • a tragic flaw usually caused the hero's downfall, usually excessive pride
      • Sophocles wrote Oedipus the King, a famous tragedy
    • A comedy contained scenes filled with humor
      • playwrights often made fun of politics and respected people and ideas of the time
      • Aristophanes was a famous writer of comedies
      • the fact that Athenians could listen to criticism of themselves showed the freedom that existed in democratic Athens
  • The start of the greatest subject in recorded histroy
    • History
    • Herodotus pioneered the accurate reporting of events
    • Thucydides believed  that certain types of events and political situations recur over time-History repeats itself
  • Peloponnesian(Attic) War
    • what we know about this war came from historian Thucydides
    • fought between Athens and Sparta
    • came about as a result of Sparta not liking Athens growth of wealth and power in the area after Persian War 
    • Athens was acting like a bully to other city-states
    • Sparta had a better army, Athens had a better navy
    • with the help of a plague that hit Athens, Sparta eventually won
  • Three Stages of the Peloponnesian War
    • Stage 1
      • Sparta launched repeated invasions of Attica starting in 431 BCE
      • Goal was to take over their land and eventually starve the Athenians if they would not meet them in battle
      • Spartans would only occupy Attica for around three weeks at a time as they had to go back and harvest crops
      • Spartans also had to worry about helot revolts, so they needed to be supervised constantly
    • Pericles Plan for Athens Victory- Stage 1
      • wanted to avoid land battles with Sparta
      • Get begind Athen's wall
      • Use the Long Walls(3.7 miles) to access the sea in order to trade and get resources
      • use the Athenian navy to invade cities in the Peloponnese
    • The Plague
      • in 430 BCE, a plague hit Athens
      • the plague wiped out over 30,000 citizens, sailors and soldiers, including Pericles and his sons
      • roughly one-third to two-thirds of the Athenian population died
      • the fear of plague was so widespread that the Spartan invasion of Attica was abandoned
    • Peace of Nicias-First Stage Peace Treaty
      • this period of the war ended in 421 BCE(10 years after war started) with the signing of the Peace of Nicias
        • the treaty basically said that both sides would give back most everything that they took from the other during the war
        • temples throught Greece would be open to worshippers from all cities
        • Athens could continue to collect tribute from the states from which it had received
      • Athens agreed to come to Sparta's aid if the helots revolted 
    • Peace Treaty was abandoned by 414 BCE


  • Stage 2 of the Peloponesian War
    • Sicilian Exhibition
      • in 415 BC, Athens invaded Syracuse, Sicily
        • 100 ships, 5,000 soldiers, 30 horses
      • wanted to help ethnic allies(Ionians) that were on the island
      • Athens enemy were the Syracusan and Spartans
      • Athens wanted to take the entire island for resources
      • an Athenian general defected to Sparta and told them that Athens wanted Sicily so they could launch an invasion of Itlay, Carthage and the Peloponnese
      • the attack failed badly, with the destruction of the entire force in Syracuse harbor in 413 BC
  • Stage 3
    • known as the Decelian War 413-404 BCE
    • the Spartans moved into Attica and eventually took oer the city of Decelia and fortified it
    • their goal was to take over the land and prevent Athens from getting supplies into the city over land
    • this would force Athens to rely on supplies via the sea
    • due to this, Sparta started focusing on attacking areas that Athens got resources from
      • areas around athens- silver mines
      • Dardenelles- grain
    • Sparta was now also getting helf from the Syracusans and Persians Athens followed the Spartans with their navy as the Spartans went to attack their strongholds
    • in 405 BCE, the Athenians were defeated in the naval Battle of Aegospotami
    • the Athenians surrendered, ending the Peloponnesian War
  • Aftermath of the Peloponnesian War- 405 BCE
    • Sparta took over the Athens empire
    • Sparta got all the riches from the war and Sparta's allies got little to nothing
    • for a short period of time, Athens ruled by Sparta and the Thirty Tyrants(Oligarchy)
      • killed 5% of Athens population, seized land and dismantled the democracy
    • In 403 BC, the Thirty Tyrants were overthrown and a democracy was restored
    • The Corinthian War(395-387 BCE) was a war between Sparta and Athens, Corinth and many other city-states
      • Persia's role
    • Sparta was later soundly beat by Thebes at the Battle of Leuctra in 371 BCE ending Sparta's dominance in the areas
    • Philip II of Macedon conquered all of Greece except Sparta in 338 BC
    • Philip's son, Alexander, took over Sparta by 331 BCE- and then more places
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