Monday- Finished presentation and got quizzed over our topic.
Tuesday- Women's suffrage and prohibition. This is where women wanted alcohol to be illegal. Getting rid of alcohol would help marriages, decrease petty crimes, and mitigate child abuse. This stopped the selling, making, and distribution of alcohol. The 19th amendment allowed any gender and race to vote. 18th amendment was the prohibition of alcohol and the 21st amendment was repealing prohibition.
Wednesday- We present today.
Thursday- Woodrow Wilson was a progressive president to benefit middle-class people. He started an unofficial war with Mexico. Lowered tariffs, Created a graduated federal income tax which is still around today. He broke up monopolies, prohibited child labor, created the federal reserve to control money. He declared war on Germany and presented the 14 points, which were progressive points that would maintain world peace.
Friday- America bought Alaska from Russia because they were in debt. Alaska was a great purchase for us because there was gold, tourism, oil, and Russia was now out of the Western Hemisphere. Hawaii was taken for the money from the sugarcane fields. We fought to get it and Pearl Harbor was good for a Military base.