notes 9-24--10-18



Monday, September 24

-new elegation



-Animal abuse

-Dog fighting/ they make their dogs fight and they can win up to $20,000-$30,000

-Melania Trump


Thursday, September 27

-Europe test


Friday, September 28

-Talked about Kavanaugh


Monday, October 1

-Tsunami in Indonesia

-School shootings and security safety


Tuesday, October 2

-FBI Investigates Kavanaugh

-You can only tell that you have CTE after you die

-IN Indonesia the death poll is going up

-The 3 big issues in this buggality election is health care, education and the economy

-Mid term elections come up

- Presented trump


Wednesday, October 3

-Trump and his loan; how he became a billionaire

-Trump and his tax statements

-PeTA prestation

-went over US map  


Thursday, October 4

-Went over US map

-FBI report is done, but it’s not going to be given to the public

-Assistant principal says girls ruin everything


Friday, October 5

-Amazon go store

-Some people took map test

Tuesday, October 9

-kavanagh got confirmed

-Climate change

-Hurricane Michael

-Band halftime show with guns


Wednesday, October 10

-Burke stabbing

-Hurricane Michael


Thursday, October 11

-Map quiz



Thursday, October 12



Monday, October 15



Tuesday, October 16

-BIG test


Wednesday, October 17

-BIG test


Thursday, October 18

-BIG test

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