Ok, if you think that this is going to be some story about Tony Stark and an Ironman suit, stop reading because you will not get that fromt his blog. In fact, this product is for many people and will be on the American market before you know it, and here's the kicker... they're cheap.A Japanese company by the name of CyberDyne founded by Yoshiyuki Sankai (that had to be terrible to write as a child) has created a performance and strength enhancing power suit called the HAL (Hybrid Assistive Limb). Ok, for those of you who have seen the movies, you know that CyberDyne is the name of the company that created the terminators that become self aware and seek the destruction of humans in the Terminator movies. Kind of scary isn't it? Anyways, this suit is a revolutionary and very reliant system.Through a sensor attached to the skin, "HAL" detects biosignals on the skin's surface that are left over from messages sent from the brain to muscles when you attempt to move. A computer in the suit analyzes how much power the wearer intends to use, and then calculates the amount of torque needed to assist your limbs movement.The suit interacts with the wearers muscles so fluidly, that it is almost like you aren't wearing anything at all. This is called a "voluntary control system", because you are in complete control.The company is hoping to manufacture and produce these suits on the civilian market for around $4200. They are already being tested in Japan for people who need assistance with ordinary things like walking up stairs, carrying heavy items, or for people with poor muscle function. When wearing the suit, you are basically given a boost in strength by up to ten fold.CyberDyne is hoping to market this suit for entertainment, rehabilitation uses, heavy labor for workers, emergency rescue, and much more. The battery pack that is being used so far can be used for five hours when doing simple functions like walking.Well, I think that this is pretty cool. The possiblities for this technology are great, and you have to admit, it would be fun. CyberDyne does not want to market this to the military for now, which is a good thing. I don't want any crazy Iraqi or Al Queadan coming after me in one of those suits. This also brings to mind the fact that gangsters and other such low-life would be able to obtain these suits which is not good. I suppose we will see what can come of this, and hope for the best.