In 1967, the US Navy built 4 separate buildings for the Coronado Amphibious Base. It was the sixties where everybody was loopy out of control, so no body noticed nor cared. And the Navy thought that they were perfectly designed barracks. But, in 2005, people using Google Earth they noticed that the buildings were in the shape of a swastica.The military had no idea till then and everybody lost their mind. They sent complaints about the shape to the Navy demanding to change it whatever the cost. Of course they also came up with little theories about caniving Nazis trying to get their message to the world via the internet that didn't exist.Basically the story goes that some Nazis, one way or the other, got spies into the military with the evil intent of a group of buildings in a Swastica shape. That would deliver their message of evil to the world as soon as somebody noticed.Obviously, it just some mental escapees imaginative people jumping to conclusions. They really are buildings with an uncanny resembulance to the Swastica. But, due to the peoples inability to let it go, the buildings were changed anyway.