Upon taking the John McCain vs. Barack Obama test to see who I agree and follow more for key issues about the state of the United States and that of the world, I am officially (I knew I would be) a John McCain follower. There were thirteen topics each with an unlabeled quote from Obama and McCain about their opinions of the topic. You don't know who said the quote until the test is over. I ended up siding with Obama on five issues, and eight for McCain. That's 60/40 so I'm nearly moderate (but i still like McCain better). What were my reasonings?First i shall start with the issues that I agreed with Obama on. There were two topics about the economy. I agreed with Obama on both of his quotes. The first of Obama's quotes says that "We have over 1 Trillion dollars worth of loopholes in the corporate tax code. This is not the invisible hand of the market at work. It's the successful work of special interests." I really agree with this. So much money is being utterly wasted by corporate earmarkers spending our tax money and hard earned cash on completely useless and unrelative projects. There was "The Bridge to Nowhere that cost hundreds of millions of dollars in Florida by a Florida Congressman. Those kind of swindlers enrage me and make me sick.I wont go in depth on all of the issues, but i just thought I'd share that.Obama also said he would like to reward working people or families with a fair sum of an income tax. Woohoo! Ok, so I got the economy out of the way. I sided with McCain for both of the was in Iraq quotes. McCain knows that if we pullout now, all that our troops have done so far will be for nothing. I agree. Obama just can't seem to wrap his head around the idea that Iraq is just not quite on it's feet yet.I sided with Obama three more times. Two of these were on the health care system. Obama wants absolutely everyone to be insured and I really think that that would be hunkey dorey. He also wants the very wealthy to pay just a little more into the system to ensure a stable health care system and so forth. I have always thought that the very wealthy must do this.For the rest of the quotes i sided with McCain. On immagration I agree that all border states must certify and enhance Border Patrol. I also agreed that all illegal citizens must leave as soon as possible. They are not only stealing American jobs, but are ruining the ecomomy by not acting as citizens and causing man to waste time and energy trying to weed them out when that energy and time could be used to help save our economy.Finally, McCain and I agree that abortion should be illegal, that gays should not be wed in holy matrimony, that lowering America's carbon emmissions should be a carefully and well planned and laid out process, that our Judges should be picked for their ability to ensure true Justice, and that the next Commander in Chief needs to be strong of mind and spirit and needs to be able to cope with as much asvany president has ever had to cope with.I know that Obama is the president now, but I still feel that way to many people got caught up in the "Change" band wagon. Obama is a very good and influential man, but I feel that John McCain was better equipped for the job. I really wan't suprised with the turnout of my quiz however. Thank you.