Mary Magdalene (fcb)

In 2007, a Discovery channel person, James something, and a film crew found what they decided was Jesus's lost tomb. Granted there really isn't much hard-core evidence since Jesus and Mary are like Ashley and Taylor today. Anyway, it had, supposedly, Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Mary Magdalene, and Judas, or Judah."No wait just a minute, Judas KILLED Jesus. Why would HE be there.""Well, I don't know. There's some rumor going around now that he was Jesus's and Mary M.'s son. But I don't know about that."Back to my main point. Allegedly, Mary Magdalene was in facto, Jesus's wife. And I know full well religion buffs sit there and think, "Well that's ludicrous. Jesus loves everybody the same!" Well yes, but parents say "I love you just as much as your other siblings" and you know what. Your parents are usually married. Maybe not for long because of stupid reasons. But usually. Its the same concept. Parents don't love their children like their spouse..... Unless you're like Joseph Fritzl. In which case you should probably get some help.

(if you don't who that is Google it....)They also think that the gospel of John was actually written by Mary Magdalene. Her name isn't on it because people were uber sexist and would have a heart attack.This story has probably been going around for a long time. My proof of that comes from Da Vinchi's painting, "The Last Supper". The person next to Jesus is thought to actually be Mary. She's at his right hand, wearing the same colors as Jesus. Also, if you look very closely, you can see Peter's presumed other hand holding a knife to kill Mary.

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