March 11 - March 15

Monday - Germany's WW2 Story (1919 - 1945) 

- 3 major Powers 

- Germany, Italy, and Japan 

- Others 

- Slovak Republican, Bulgaria, Romania, Yugoslavia, Hungary, and Croatia

- Other that worked with Germany 

- Finland, Thailand, and Iraq 

- Puppet Government - 

- Albania, Burma, Montenegro, Quisling Norway, and Vichy France 


Treaty of Versailles 

- Starting Point of WW2 

- Changed the Map of Europe


- Taken away from Germany

- Lost land to France, Belgium, Denmark, Czechoslovakia, Poland 

League of Nations took control of Germany's overseas colonies. 


- Germany's army was reduced to 100,000 men

- Germany was not allowed tanks

- Germanywas not allowed to have an air force 

- Germany allowed only 6 capital naval ships and no submarines 

- The Rhinland was made into a demiliterized zone.

- No German soldier or weapon was allowed into this zone 

- The Allies were to keep an army of opcupation on the west bacnk of the Rhine for 15 years 


- The loss of territory was a severe blow to Germany's economy 

- Coal from the Saar and Upper Silesia in particular

- Germany had to pay $33 billion to the Allies(GB/France)


- Germany had to admit full responsibility for starting the war 

- This was Clause 231- the infamous "War Guilt Clause" 

- Germany was forbidden to unite with Austria 

- A league of Nations was set up to keep worlp peace 


Germany's Reaction 

- There was anger throughout Germany when the terms were made public

- Treaty was seen by many Germans as being forced on them and the Germans had no choice but to sign it 

- German representatives in Paris knew that they had no choice as Germany was incapable of restarting the war again 

- Many right wing groups such as the Nazis believed in the Dolchstoss Theory (Stab in the Back Theory) 


Weimar Republic 

- New Democratic Government set up in Germany after WW1 


Tuesday - Bruns contiued on his PowerPoint 

Adolf Hitler 

- Born in 1889 in Austria 

- Family moved to Germany when he was three

- Had five siblings - three died in infancy 

- Mom (Klara) 

- Dad (Alois)

- His Brother, Edmund, died in 1900

- After his brother's death, Hitler changed and became more moody and withdrawn 

- Had more issues at school and with his dad 

- His dad died in 1903 and his mom died in 1907 

- All three of these deaths had a huge impact on the young Hitler 

- In Mein Kampf, Hitler said he first became anti-Srmitic during his time in Vienna, Austria 

Veinna, Austrai (1905-1913)

- HItler failed to get into the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna two different times 

- Stated selling paintings in the streets of Vienna 

- Failed his examination to get into the Austro-Hungarian Army in 1914 

- Movd to Munich, Germany and joined the German Army when WW1 broke out in 1914 

Hitler in WW1 

- HItler was wounded twice while serving 

- Injured by a shell explosion 

- Temporarily blinded by a mustard gas attack 

- There is a story that Hitler could have been shot by the French soldier, Henry Tandy, but was spared. 

After WW1 

- Hitler starts spying on the new Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party (Nazi) for the German military 

- HItler quickly realized that this group discussed topics that he believed in \

- Hitler dropped out of the military and joined the Nazi Party and quickly rose to become the leader 

- Hitler found out that he had the power of speech and persuasion during this time 

Berr Hall Putsch (1923) Biggest Failure (Place were Polotics happened) 

- Hitler was is prison 

- Sentenced for 5 yoears 

- Served 9 months

Wdnesday - Went over out weapons 

Thursday - Bruns got back into his PowerPoint

Hitler's Rise to Power 

- Hitler is appointed Chancellor in 1933 

- President Paul von Hindenburg dies shortly after and Hitler dissolves the Weimer Republic

- Early Actions of Hitler:

- Drops out of the League of Nations 

- Starts rearming Germany 

- Rearms the German Rhineland area 

Munich Conference 

- Neville Chamberlain (Great Britain)

- Adolf Hitler (Germany)

- Benito Mussolini (Italy)

- Edouard Daladier (France) 

Munich Conference "Peace for our time"

- Hitler was given the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia

- Hitler promised that he was done taking over territories 

- Hitler wanted to re-unite all German speaking people 

- Became know as the "Policy of Appeasement" 


 Friday - Bruns Continued on his PowerPoint 

- German Ambassador von Ribbentrop and Soviet dictator Stalin laugh as Molotov signs the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact on August 23,1939

Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact 

- Russia gave raw materials to Germany in exchange for money and weapons 

- Both agreed to stay neutral if the other entered the war 

- Secretly agreed to invade and split Poland. Germany would get the western half and the USSR the eastern half. n

- Russia would get FInland, Estonia and Latvia and Germany would Lithuania 


How Did the World React to this Pact?


- Poland was stuck "between a rock and a hard place"

- HItler thought it would force Great Britain and France to back out of their promise to help Poland if attacked  

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