Treaty of Versailles- treaty that ended world war I
- Russia lost a lot of land, austria hungary also
- territorial - following land was taken from germany
- france, belgium, denmark, czechoslovakia, poland
- The leaugue of the nations also took control of germanys overseas colonies
- Germany had to return to Russia lamd taken in the Treaty of Brest- Litovsk
- Some of this land was made into new countries- estonia, latvia, lithuania, poland also recieved some land
- Military- Germany's army was reduced to 100 men, german army was not allowed tanks, germany was not allowed to have an air foce, germany was allowed 6 capital naval ships and no submarines
- The Rhineland was made into demilitarized zone, no german soilder or weapon was allowed into this zone
- The allies were to keep an army to keep an army of occupation on the west bank of Rhine for 15 years
- Finiacial- The loss of territory was a servere blow to Germany's enconomy, coal from the Saar Upper Silesia
- Germany had to pay 33 billion to the Allies (GB and France)
- General- Germany had to admit full responsibility for starting the war, this clause was clause 231 the infamous War Guilt Clause
- Germany was forbidden to unite with Austria
- League of Nations was set up to keep world peace
- The German Reaction to the Treaty of Versailles
- There was anger throughout Germany when the terms were made public
- The treaty was seen by many Germans as being forced on them and the Germans had no choice but to sign it
- German representative in Paris knew that they had no choice as Germany was incapable of restarting the war again
- Many right wing groups such as the Nazi's believed in the Dolchstoss Theory (stab in the back theory)
- Weimar Republic- the new deomcratic government set up in germany after WWI
- Weapons presentations tommrow
-Adolf Hitler, Born in 1889 in Austria, Family moved to Germany when he was three, had five siblings- three died in infancy, Mom- Klara, Dad Alois
- His brother Edmund died in 1900 when he was eleven years old
-He became more moody and withdrawn, had even more issues with his dad, his dad died in 1903, and his mom died in 1907
- In mein Kamph Hitler said he first became anti- semitic during his time in Austria
-Vienna Austria 1905-1913
- Hitler dailed to get into the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna two diffrent times, started selling paintings in the streets of Viena
- Failed his examination to get into the Austro-Hungarian army in 1914
-Moved to Munich, Germany and joined the Geramany army when WWI broke out in 1914
-Hitler in WWI, hitler was wounded twice while serving
-Injured by a shell expolsion, temporairly blinded by a mustard gas attack
- There is a story that Hitler could have been shot by the french soldier Henry Tandy but was spared
-after ww1 Hitler starts spying on the new Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party for the German Military
-Hitler quickly realized that this group discussed topics that he believed in
-Hitler dropped out of the military and joined the Nazi Party and quickly rose to become the leader, hitler found out that he had the power of speech and persuasuon during this time
-Beer Hall Putsch 1923, failed attempt by adolf hilter to take over the munich governement
- Hitler's Trial 1924- 5 years in prison only served 9 months for good behavior
- He wrote a book called Mein Kampf
- M1 Garand- holds up to 8 round semi automatic gun, europeans 100 a day, easy to use, more accurate
-Rocket Launchers- hand held one, shot one at a time, both are used to hit tanks and damage so they can't move farther
- MG34- was used by germany's infrantry, fire 900 rounds per minute, higher class
- Bat Bomb- put bats in frozen conatiners and release them and fly and hide underneath buildings
-Mosin Nagant- sniper rifle used by russian empire, 5 bullets inside the top, pull back on the thing every time, used with or without scope
- Howitzer- fired shells, low speed, high trajectory used mainly by germans, need 6 people to use it
- THE German railway gun- 1350 tons, 29 miles, used deystroy french forts, used in soviet union
- Sten gun- mobile machine gun, hand held, 6 pounds, mass produced in europe
-Thompson Machine Gun- US army, 1.5 million produced, very effective offensive
-Carro Armato P40- stood for heavy in italian, 25 mph, several people needed to help use this
-Land mines- burn on the ground, circle or square shape, blow up if stepped on, defensive
- Atomic Bombs- little boy and fat man, built in 1945 purpose to end the war
Colt 1911- 1911-1986 united states used this, developed by browning, has been modified, very realiable
- Mk2 Grenade- used in ww2, replaced mark 1, wasn't as acurate, throw it into a trench and would explode
-KA-Bar-Knife- hand to hand and can stab, every solider had one
-Hitler is appointed Chancellor in 1933, President Paul von Hindenburg dies shortly after and hitler dissolves the Weimer Republic, Drops out of the League of Nations, Starts rearming Germany, Rearms the German Rhineland area
- Anschluss with Austria- 1938 one greater strike, many people in austria didn't want this
- Sudentendland Crisis- 1938 Reuniting German speaking peoples'
- Hitler was given the Sudentenland of Czechslovakia
- Hitler promised that he was done taking over places
- Hitler wanted to reunite all german speaking people
- Became known as the Policy of Appeasement
- Winston Churchill- Opposed Appeasment
-Hitler takes over all of Czechoslovakia March 1939
-Hitler is planning his next move and lies to everyone that he's done taking peoples land
-After the munich act- the leader resigned and said the country is in deep trouble
-Czech President Hacha's Meeting with Hitler March 1939, Hitler sits and listens and his country should be allowed to be indpendent
-Hitler was yelling at Hacha and they'll invade your country need to sign over your country
-Hacha was so worked up he fainted and Germany people were freaking out and they made sure he was okay
- He signed away his country to Hitler because he had enough
-What drove Hitler to do what he did in Europe?
-Desire to get revenge from the Great War and undo the Treaty of Versailles, Reunite German Speaking Peoples
-Make germany respectable and strong again, More of a short term goal for Hitler, Racsim- The desire to make sure that pure blood Germans stayed that way
-Limit or not allow the Germanization of other ethnic groups, Everything usually related back to race in some way with Hitler
- Destruction of the Jewish Bolsheviks, taking down the Communist Soviet Union
-Lebensraum- means "living space" for the german people
-Hitler wanted to take over the eastern, Europe, Poland, Russia Czechoslovakia etc
- As the german people multiply, they will need more living space to live
- Germany also needed more food and this allowed for that, Lebensraum and racism were linked together
- What about Western Europe?
- He generally respected the races of Western Europe much more, He did want revenge from the Treaty of Versailles
- Soviet- German Non Agression Pact, he ended the deal at some point
- German Soviet Non agression pact- both agreed to stay neutral if the other entered war, secretly agreed to invade and split Poland and other areas were lost after WWI
- Germany would get the western half and Russia woild get Finland Estonia Latvia and Germany would get Lithuania
- Russia gave rae materials ro Germany in exchange for money and weapons