On Sunday Senetor Joe Wilson Said he will not appologize on for his out burst during president Obama's health care speech on . He said he already appologized after the speech and both Obama and his vice president forgave him. Wilson believes there is no reason to appologize again. I personally would have even appologized. I personally dont believe in Obama at all. Obama says he is going to do all this different stuff but how is he going to do it?
Wilson also stated that he believes in the truth and President Obama was misstating the facts. Democrates Health Care Plans dont insure illegal immagrates. Republicans say that it leaves an open door for the immagrates to have coverage on taxpayers dollars which is so totally not right! But Wilson was proven right but if he doesnt do a public apology he will be punished. The punishment could be in affect as early as Tuesday! Wow he appoligized and still might get punished that is so wrong!