John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Image and video hosting by TinyPicWe know him as the president that got shot dead in Dallas Texas. But some of us don't remember what he did as a president, he was the president during one of the most difficult times in US history. He lead the troops into vietnam, fought off the hippies and made acid illegal. He was loved by most and lead a revolution during the most cultural reveloution in modern history.He had a family, Jaqueline Kennedy his wife, he blockaded cuba during the Russian missle crises. It was a scary time in US history. He made several drugs reillegal, like Marijuana and LSD.Image and video hosting by TinyPicHis assassination took place in Dallas Texas, he was riding in his Limo while Lee Harvey Oswald set up in the 5th floor of the nearby school depository, he used a 30-30 rifle. Then he fired 3 shots as the limo drove by, hitting the governer of Texas and JFK.
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