In 1960, 43 year old, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, beat Richard Nixon for the title of President of the United States, becoming the first Roman-Catholic President. During his Inaugural Address, Kenndy spoke his know famous line, "Ask not what your country can do for you--ask what you can do for your country." Kennedy strongly supported equal rights, and tried to do everything in his power that he could to make them possible. He called for a new civil rights legislation. Kennedy also wanted to expand the role of the arts in society. He wished America to become the first country dedicated to the revolution of human rights, with Alliance for Progress and the Peace Corps.Kennedy permitted armed and trained Cubans to invade their homeland to overthrow Fidel Castro, which resulted in failure. Afterwards, the Soviet Union renewed its campaign against West Berlin. In responce, Kennedy strengthened the nation's military, including new forces in Outer space. After the construction of the Berlin Wall, Moscow relaxed its efforts. Instead they attempted to install Nuclear missles in Cuba. Kennedy put forth a ban on all weapons headed for Cuba. The Russians backed down before a nuclearwar had resulted. Sonn after, Kennedy had the two countries sign the test ban treaty of 1963. Kennedy brought a new hope for equal American rights and world peace throughout our nation.
The ships carrying the missles headed towards Cuba